12. Birthday Bash

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Song: What A Wonderful World x Can't Help Falling In Love- Sung by: Reneé Dominique

Hermione woke up to arms wrapped around her like usual. She smiled and snuggled up closer to him, feeling him move under her. "Morning Herms." He said, rubbing her back.

"Good morning, Draco." She knew he was looking at her but as she was all cuddled up she couldn't look at his face. "Happy Birthday," he ran a hand through her hair, his voice was deep like it always was in the mornings. Hermione secretly wished he spoke like this all the time. She shivered a little and kissed his jaw, "Thank you."

He nestled his head into her shoulder and kissed her neck lovingly as his arms gripped her a little tighter. She blushed and shivered again. She used her feet to slide the blanket off of them as she was burning up under it, then looked back up to Draco.

"Do you want one of your presents?" He asked her. She nodded and he loosened his grip, sitting up a little. She looked into his eyes, sitting up herself. He leaned in and kissed her, his arms still around her waist.

She kissed back, sitting up almost all the way to the point of being in his lap. Her arms sitting on his chest and shoulders, her hands on his neck.

Draco's knees came up from the bed as his feet stayed on it, from his thigh to his calf was almost a 90° angle. This pulled Hermione closer to him as he sat up more.

Neither Hermione nor Draco heard the door open or people filing in. They just focused on each other. Molly broke the silence as she walked in, not noticing what was going on, "Happy birthday, Hermione, dear!"

Draco pulled away so fast that his head hit the back of the bed with a smack. He took one of his arms off Hermione to rub it and swore under his breath. "Draco, are you okay?" Hermione asked him, reaching up to make sure he wasn't bleeding. Her hand came back to her without a drop of blood on it. "I'm fine." He said still massaging it. She gave him a worried glance.

"Thanks Molly." Hermione said as she turned her attention back towards her family. They all started telling her happy birthday and she had to get up off of Draco to hug them all.

Draco smiled at her as she was laughing and enjoying herself. Then he noticed someone new in the crowd. The same blonde with curly hair from yesterday. Except this time, it was different, he could see her face. It was Lavender Brown, Ron holding her hand and kissing her cheek while they stood in Hermione's room. Ron smirked as he caught Draco's eye.

Draco glared back at him for a second. Draco knew Ron brought Lavender just to ruin Hermione's birthday. He looked back at her smiling face as she hugged her father. He was smiling too until he saw Draco and went poker faced and squinted. Hermione realized what her father was looking at and blushed. Draco was only wearing a pair of pj shorts, no shirt, no socks. She turned her father around as she went to hug her mother.

Draco watched as Allison came and sat at the end of the bed, she too was just watching as Hermione greeted everyone. He sat up and scooted next to her. "Hi Ally." He told her. She looked to him in annoyance.

"Hello my sister's boyfriend." She said with a scoff. Draco rolled his eyes, "how are you?" She folded her arms.

"I'm fine." She spoke like everything bored her to death. Like if one more thing happened and it wasn't the most thrilling thing ever she would turn to dust. "You don't seem fine." Draco said to her.

She looked at him suspiciously, "and how would you know? You don't know anything about me." Draco looked down at the young girl, "i don't but that's because you don't tell me anything about you. You just ignore that I exist and hardly talk to your sister. How do you suppose I would find anything out?" He spoke calmly and tried to convince her into saying anything.

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