47. Birthday Bearing

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Song: Lost Boy- Ruth B

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes. It's Teddy's birthday and you're his cousin. You have more reason to go than I do. Be glad I wrote both our names on the gift."

He groaned, still laid out like a starfish on the bed. "Quit whining and get dressed. We're going to be late," she put in some earrings, all ready to go while he was still in pjs.

"I'm not whining, I'm disagreeing aloud," he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Sounds like whining to me, Drake," she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

He sighed, letting his feet touch the floor and slowly standing up. "What do you even get a two-year-old?"

"If you'd come to the market, you would know," she picked up the little bag off the floor, "We got him this." He looked at her in a slight glare before glancing down to the objects. She had the bag open to reveal mini shovels and a tiny bucket.

Draco looked up at her questionably. "They're small garden tools. Spring is coming and Ginny is going to plant flowers out front," Hermione explained. He nodded but still wondered how she thought baby Teddy, who could barely walk on his own, was going to manage a shovel.

"Are you ready yet? We're five minutes late!" She worried, coming into their room to find him putting on shoes. "Yes, Herms. No need to panic, Teddy won't care that we're late," he laughed a little.

She glared at him, "He might not now but his parents do." "His parents are d-"

"Don't." She stared warningly. He finished tying his shoe and stood up, his hands in the air. "What are you so stressed about? Its just a birthday party. You usually laugh at my complaints."

Hermione bit her lip, "No reason. Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I guess." Draco furrowed his brows, "You got up on the same side you alw-"

"We're late, come on," she took his hand and apparated them outside the Burrow's shield. He held her hand as they walked, wondering why she was so different, "Did I do something wrong?" The blonde started to worry.

The brunette shook her head, "No." "Its not our anniversary, not your birthday. Are you worried Teddy won't like the gift?" "No, Drake."

"Worried James hates you?" He vented his own stresses about coming to the party. She squeezed his hand as they got closer, "He doesn't hate you. He's just not used to new faces yet, just be patient."

"I'm not a patient man, Hermione," he said as she knocked on the door. "Yes you are. You've been plenty patient with me, especially today with what I'm about to do," she said quietly.

"What are you-" he was interupted by the redhead who opened the door with a party favor in her lips, blowing into it and producing a loud shriek. He covered Hermione's ears, taking a step back himself. Ginny laughed, "Don't like my noisemakers?"

"That sound is atrocious." He cringed as she did it again, "If this is what you thought I'd hate, I agree, you're evil not to warn me." Hermione bit her lip, looking uncomfortable and avoiding his eyes. Ginny glared at the older girl, "Are you seriously hiding her from him?"

Hermione covered the Potter's mouth and walked into the house, "I don't know what you're talking about." Ginny pulled the hand off, "I Don'T kNoW whAt yOu're tAlkINg aBouT. Don't lie to me. You really just don't tell him his-" she mocked before Hermione smacked a hand over her mouth again.

Draco looked at them weirdly as he took his shoes and coat off, "What? Who is she? My what? Ginny, Herms, tell me. Harry, do you know the secret?" The noirette was tall enough to hold Hermione's hands down and reply, "Andromeda is here for Teddy's party."

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