22. Livid Lucius

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Song: Rude- MAGIC!

"Astoria, for the last time, I will not date an employee and quitting this job won't make me want to date you either. Why must I tell you this so often? You must hear it three times a week. Just listen to me, I am your boss and, if this continues, I will have no problem firing you." Draco started his lunch break how he had most days but today he had a lot less patience than usual. Normally, he would just laugh it off or tell Astoria to stop flirting with him, but today he was already in a bad mood.

"I-i'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy. I will try to stop so I may keep my job. I apologize that I've bothered you when you obviously aren't interested.." Astoria had some tears in her eyes but Draco honestly didn't care anymore.

"You will not try, you will do," Draco said to her sternly. She gave a little nod before he walked away.

The reasons Draco was upset were unique yet ordinary. One, he still has 200 goblins that won't wear the company's clothing requirements. Two, heavy amounts of paper work were threatening his stress level. Three, it has been another month and he still hasn't found Hermione. Four, he couldn't get Molly's voice telling him he won't find Hermione to get out of his head. Five, his mother had been trying to owl him to come visit.

His mother wasn't as rude as his father but he still didn't like her much. She was loving but very stern and strict. It was like she always wanted Draco to herself. He was never allowed to go anywhere without her at his side. Draco was very happy when he turned of age and could finally move out. He no longer had to deal with his abusive and standoffish father nor his overprotective and austere mother. It felt like breaking out of prison after being trapped for 19 years. He wished he'd left the year before but repeating his last year of Hogwarts held him back a little.

Narcissa wanted Draco to come join her for dinner. Of course, his father would be there as well. Narcissa promised that Lucius would be on his best behavior. Draco highly doubted he would be at all pleasant. Still, Draco accepted the invitation for tonight, not looking forward to it in the slightest.

As he got back from lunch he realized he was so busy he'd forgotten to write his letter to Hermione. Draco immediately got out parchment, a quill, and ink. Dipping the quill into the dark liquid, he thought about what he could write before placing it onto the paper and letting his mind write what it felt.

"Dearest Hermione,
You thought I'd call you Herms again, didn't you? Nope! I'll keep you on your toes as I assume these letters give you some form of enjoyment. Though I can't really confirm if you do as Illume and Knight just return to me without a letter, you could totally be throwing these out and I'd have no idea. Maybe I'm speaking to the trash can. I hope it's enjoying my lame letters if it is in fact reading these daily.

Anyways, here's your Daily Draco story. I have been ridiculously stressed today. My workers are bothering me, paper work is adding up, and my parents want me for dinner tonight. I've reluctantly told them I'll arrive but I know my father won't be pleasant with me. My mother will probably be breathing down my neck the entire time and asking if I've found 'the one' yet. I'm 19 years old and they're still mad I'm not married yet.

You think they'd be at least a little proud of a son who owns his own successful business and is living on his own. I have found a house by the way. Its very large and beautiful, you'll have to come see it. Just like the hotels I've told you of, it over looks the waves. I often find myself looking into them as the sun makes them look golden and sparkley. It reminds me of how your eyes looked as they lit up when you were happy. They'd always go from a chocolate color to more of an amber. I miss you and your beautiful eyes. Love you Herms.

This was one of the longest letters he'd sent Hermione. He guessed he got caught up in the rant about his parents but it was nice that he had someone to write to that never judged him. Or at least he couldn't tell if she was judging as he didn't know if she read the letters nor did she ever reply to them. Draco tied the letter to Knight and sent him off to Hermione. He knew she would question the letter arriving a bit late as it was the weekend and his letters would usually arrive around noon when he'd send them at 10-11am.

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