28. Cuddles Christmas

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Song: I Don't Care- Ed Sheeran

"Herms, weird question. Can I carry you in?" Draco laughed awkwardly down at her as they walked up to the Burrow.

Exactly two weeks ago Draco had asked Hermione to go with him to the Burrow for Christmas. It was originally planned for him to be with them during Christmas and Hermione to be with them on Christmas Eve. But, now that they'd found each other, they'd surprise the Weasleys with Hermione coming both days. None of the Weasleys or the Potters knew Draco had actually found her. He'd stopped responding to their letters for the past twenty days as he didn't want to lie to them but he did want to surprise them. The only letter where he actually replied was the Christmas invite and he'd said he'd bring a mystery plus one.

"Why would you want to do that?" Hermione questioned him.

Draco laughed again, "Let's just say I owe Molly an 'I told you so'" he could imagine the mother's face now, totally shocked and apologetic. He didn't want her to feel terrible but he wanted her to know he wasn't a coward that gave up on what he desired.

"Well, okay then. That's very weird but I don't have time to argue with you, the Weasleys always answer the door within seconds. Just put me down quickly." Hermione blushed as he leaned down and picked her up like she was his bride. Her hand trailed down her side to lay on his hand near her knee.

He smirked, "knock on the door for us?" She rolled her eyes before knocking loudly, he backed up a little. It always surprised him how little Hermione weighed, she was like carrying a puppy.

Like she'd said, someone answered the door within the minute she'd knocked. The Potter who answered was also carrying someone. Four months along, Ginny answered the door, her mouth wide as she saw her friends.

"You found her!!!" Ginny was almost crying with delight from her hormones. She hugged them both but her stomach and the fact one was holding the other made it rather odd.

"Shh, I want to surprise Molly. Where's she at?" Draco tried to quiet the Potter. She smiled back at him, knowing exactly what he wanted.

"She's in the kitchen, follow me." Ginny lead Draco and, by default, Hermione. As she got close to the kitchen she called into it, "Mum! Draco is here!"

He stopped walking for a second before entering. "Oh Draco, dear, for a minute I worried you weren't... coming.." Molly's voice died out as she turned around to see what she least expected. Her jaw about dropped to the floor and Draco grinned wildly. Hermione blushed more than she had before.

He put her down and smiled at her, today was by far the best day he'd had. "Draco.. h-how? How on earth did you search all of Venice that fast?" Molly was still wide eyed as she spoke, she walked up and caressed Hermione's cheeks like she was making sure he hadn't brought a fake.

"I had some help." He smiled at Ginny who came to hug him. He hugged her back, careful not to hurt her.

Molly was beyond surprised, she was exasperated, "Ginerva Molly Potter, you were told not to meddle!"

"I couldn't help it, Mum! They were both so sad. You didn't see 'Mione's face when she talked about him. You didn't see Draco's apartment or his eyes when he'd spent three months searching. They were giving up on each other! I couldn't let that happen!" Ginny's emotions were like a roller coaster from mad to crying every other sentence.

Molly glared at her daughter, "You were still told not to meddle. We were supposed to let him find her, not have you tell him where she was."

Draco defended her, "Ginny didn't tell me where Herms was. She just gave me a guess on where her work would be. It still took me two to three weeks after getting a hint. And she knows for a fact that the section of Venice Herms works in probably has a hundred little shops. It took for-ev-er."

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