59. Loving Longer

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Song: Ho Hey- Lumineers

Hermione was calm at the sound of tiny bubbles popping in her ears. Her feet adjusted against the walls of the tub, her thighs coming back together and her arms resting behind her head. A small grin was on her lips when she opened her eyes.

The expression didn't last long and she about screamed, yanking a towel off it's hanger and sitting up to cover herself with it. "Ginny! What in Merlin's name are you in here for?!"

The redhead laughed, "As if we didn't all see each other in Hogwarts showers, 'Mione. Nervous for today?"

"That doesn't change the fact this is my home and my bathroom. You cannot just waltz your way in and invade my privacy." Hermione blushed darkly but had to hide a laugh when her best friend preformed a mini waltz.

"Too bad, did it anyways. So you are nervous then?"

"What bride isn't on her wedding day? But I was a lot calmer before I knew you were prowling around."

"Oh I'm not hunting you for sport, chill out. Finish your bath so I can start prepping my masterpiece."

"What masterpiece?"


Hermione bit her lip, her face turning back to its usual olive tone as she pondered a response. "I can do my own hair and makeup, Ginny."

"What's the fun in that? Come on, I did it for one of your past dates and it turned out great. You can trust me." Ginny presented Hermione with a pout, her hands coming from her pockets to rest on her hips.

The brunette didn't know how to put it into words and ended up regurgitating it all in one long strand of a sentence. It almost sounded like white noise when she got fast enough and she finished with an embarrassed expression that made her appear like a sad tomato. "Well it's that you did my makeup back when I was with your brother and I don't want to look the same as when I dated your brother because Draco is different very different from Ron and I just want it to be special and perfect and I want his jaw to drop when he sees me and I just know I can do it myself because I did it for this ball and I don't want you to think I'm saying you're inferior but I just want it to be perfect and you know I'm a control freak and I have to have it to my standards of perfection and I just have to do it myself to achieve that."

"I take it back, you're more nervous than I have ever seen." Ginny took the comments with a grain of salt, "I can make it up to your standards, it will be new, and you'll be drop dead gorgeous as always. I promise. It won't look anything like what I did for your date with Ron way back when."


"Trust me. I've been practicing."

Hermione was hesitant but agreed to let Ginny try and shooed her out to get dressed before letting the redhead work. Ginny wouldn't let Hermione watch what was happening in the mirror, saying good things came in time and the bride-to-be would have to be patient.

It was not a skill the brunette had in her syllabus, squirming a bit in her seat, her hands fumbling with one another and occasionally pulling at the fabric of her pants. She wondered when the torture would end but when it did, it was worth it.

Draco was just as nervous, getting ready at the Potter's house to not have bad luck. He wasn't a superstitious person but it was a tradition and he was a sucker for tradition. Having a tendency to rush when he was nervous wasn't helping him calm down. The blonde was fully dressed and he still had an hour of waiting time, even his hair was already done. Sighing, he left the small bedroom to join the groomsmen who waited for him in the solarium.

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