7. Secret Spilling

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Song: Just The Way You Are- Bruno Mars

Hermione had her eyes closed tightly as the morning sun shone into the room. She groaned tiredly and tried to turn away from the sun but could not. A strong arm was wrapped around her waist holding her close. Hermione panicked immediately and attempted not to move. Suddenly, she relaxed as she realized it was Draco. She sank back into his chest. She used a pillow to cover her face so the sun wasn't hurting her eyes so badly.

Draco awoke a bit startled, he felt something soft hit his face with a bit of force and something shake what he slept on. He opened his eyes only to be blinded by the morning sunshine. He tucked his head under the pillow near his face and cuddled his head into something with more texture than the bed and pillow. He opened his eyes again and saw brown hair as far as he could see. He knew it was her and held her a bit tighter, speaking in a husky morning voice. "Morning Herms"

Hermione smiled softly as she heard his voice. She found his morning voice, incredibly attractive. "Draco become the little spoon so we don't have to stare at the sun!" Hermione whined as she turned around to face him, getting her eyes away from the burning sun. She smiled at him softly, already feeling better.

"I could, or I could do this." He held her slightly tighter in his arms and then rolled her on top of him then to the opposite side of the bed. He looked into her eyes and chuckled.

Hermione started giggling as soon as Draco picked her up. "Put me down! Put me down!" She cried in a fit of giggles as he held her. When he did she smiled up at him watching him tower over her. "Thank you for staying with me Draco."

He let one arm off of her and propped himself up on it. He was smiling brightly, he'd never felt this happy.

"Mm anytime. That's the best I've slept in years." He remembered last night, cuddling with her on the couch. He smiled at the memory then he had a face of anger as he remembered the red head who caused her to go into that terrible state. He couldn't let Ron get away with what he's done. He had to time it just right though. He kissed Hermione's forehead and smiled at her again.

*Mature Topics Warning*
*Sorry innocent readers but there's too many to cover in a short explanation of what you're missing, just go off of what you know from last time and infer in later chapters. Sorry I couldn't be of better assistance*

"Can i ask you kind of a personal question?" he rubbed her arm with the hand that wasn't holding him up. "Ask away," she blushed lightly at the sudden contact.

"What did Ron do to you? Why are you guys broken up? I mean, I understand what he did last night was terrible but what'd he do before then? It's totally fine if you're uncomfortable answering right now. I know yesterday was tramatic." he felt awkward and rude for asking these questions but he couldn't handle not knowing for another day.

Hermione simply shook her head. "I need to talk about it to get over it and stop hating him." She laughed lightly. A sad look crossed her face but she immediately pushed it away. "Surprisingly it turned out that... We weren't soulmates after all." A firm line settled on her face, showing no expression. "I'm sure you heard... we were briefly engaged." she lightly shook her head trying to convince herself it had not happened. "Although we didn't live together because I have been saving myself for marriage and I didn't want any prior temptation." She says
explaining the backstory first. "But I had a key to his apartment and him one to mine. Ron had begun grown sick of waiting to have sex" Hermione scoffed disgusted, "What a pig. He always tried to convince me and..." she cringed as this next memory would make her vomit, "begged me to just let him see my body." She now looked angry. "I refused and stood by my morals. He... got sick of it. He became verbally abusive and even tried to force me once. Fool forgot to take my wand away before he tried and I stupefied his brains out." She took all the courage she had and looked Draco in the eyes.

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