8. Molly Meddling

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Song: Clean Bandit- Symphony

As promised, Draco and Hermione laid in bed all day. For the most part they were undisturbed. Hermione was a perfect fit in Draco's arms. Their legs entangled and sleepy smiles on their faces. They had their eyes closed, not sleeping but just laying there and enjoying each other's company. Draco heard a knock at the door and unconciously said, "come in," not thinking until afterwards that he was in Hermione's room, not his own. She had realized this too as the door opened, she froze in Draco's arms.

Molly walked in the door, wondering why a male voice had answered her. She hoped Hermione hadn't sunken so far into the breakup that she was hooking up with rebounds. She looked around the room then to the bed, spotting brown and blonde hair. "Oh hello Draco, I've been wondering where you were as Ron said you didn't come to your room last night." She spoke awkwardly, thinking she knew they'd done something.

"Why didn't you two come down to lunch or breakfast? Dinner is on now and neither of you have left the room." Molly had her hands on her hips, hoping she was intimidating enough to get an honest answer out of them.

"Because Hermione's bed is so comfortable and work has me wanting to just be lazy and do absolutely nothing on the weekends." Draco was telling the truth but not fully. He didn't know if Hermione wanted Molly to know about what they'd discussed earlier or what happened the night before with Ron. Molly seemed to have accepted his answer then looked to Hermione.

"And you? Why haven't you left the room Hermione dear?" She smiled a little at the brunette but she still had a feeling in her gut that said something happened last night or this morning.

"Draco is just being too cuddly to let me leave, i would've been down for lunch but I can't convince him to let me leave the bed." She giggled a little as she threw him under the bus. He looked down at her, opening and closing his mouth, obviously angry. He didn't even know what to say to prove his innocence to Molly.

"I-i, I didn't force you to stay with me. You're the one who suggested we stay here all day." He said to Hermione. He sat up a little bit so he could look her in the face. She was still giggling.

"Oh really, you're the one who took my suggestion so seriously." She said, poking him in the chest. Molly watched them bicker and decided they weren't quite innocent but maybe she hadn't used Draco as a rebound for her son.

Draco and Hermione both let out sighs of relief as Molly left the room. Hermione had moved a little to be sitting in between Draco's knees with her feet parked at the sides of his hips. He was sitting up with his back against her headboard. They both laughed at each other after how they'd reacted to Molly leaving. Hermione leaned forward as she laughed, her head dropping to half the height it was before she leaned. Draco was now laughing at her laugh, she even had a little snort in the mix which caused him to laugh harder.

Hermione came back up after her laughter calmed down to a normal level. Draco had calmed down as well. They were looking each other in the eyes as they stopped laughing. Their faces went blank, they were about a foot apart, maybe less. Both leaned closer at the same time. Her hands joined Draco's in-between their legs, pushed into the bed. They closed their eyes and leaned in more. Their lips graized each other before pulling apart in a fast motion. Hermione had almost fallen off the bed. Someone had knocked on the door again.

"WHAT?!" Hermione yelled at the interupter. Ginny came in a bit embarrassed and scared. She smirked and raised her eyebrows as she saw Draco and Hermione sitting in an odd position with their faces rather close to one another.

"I was going to tell you that dinner is done and was told to tell Draco as well. Glad I could kill two birds with one stone, but seeing as you're..busy." she smirked again. "I'll just tell mom you aren't coming." She closed the door and they could hear the creaks of the stairs as Ginny ran down them.

"Ginevra Weasley! We are not doing what you think!" Hermione yelled, but Ginny was already too far away to hear her. She sighed the same way she had when Molly left. Her eyes met Draco's awkwardly. "I can't believe we just almost did that. Had Ginny not interupted.. i wonder where it would have gone.." Hermione may have wanted to save herself for marriage but she was still a woman. She still craved things even when they were forbidden.

Draco looked down at her and fixed a piece of hair that had fallen in her face. "Well I doubt it'd have gone very far. I'd have realized what I was doing and pulled away within a few minutes. " Draco wished his brain would just let him do things sometimes. To take risks and not have to worry about the outcome. But he always worried, that must be why he was a Slytherin and not a Gryffindor. Hermione smiled weakly at him.

"I guess we should be getting to dinner. I'm starving." She said, a small blush on her face. Draco smiled back at her. "Yeah, we should get going. If we don't Molly may come up and yell at me because Ginny has blabbed to the whole family that we were going to have sex up here." Hermione blushed darker. "Y-yeah. That sounds like her.."

They both got up from the bed, stretching their limbs that hadn't moved all day. Draco left the room first, Hermione following closely behind him. The smell of dinner was beckoning them to just pop into the kitchen instead of almost running there by foot.

As always, they sat next to one another and the Weasley's stared them down as they filled their plates and immediately started eating.


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