25. Café Chaos

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Song: P!nk- Please Don't Leave Me

(Sorry those who already "read" this chapter. I hated the original so I edited it to be better. Enjoy.)

Hermione was working that morning in the shop when suddenly the door chimed. She simply glanced, not fully looking, she got excited seeing blonde hair, assuming it was Cedric, she grinned. "Morning Ced, you are here earlier than normal." She said with her back turned, not realizing it wasn't him.

"Who's Ced?" Draco said,  walking into her work place, he hadn't seen her in what felt like years. He fought the urge to hug her and kiss her right then and there but that would only ruin his chances. It already took him 3 months to find her, exploring every inch of Venice after begging Mrs. Weasley for weeks to tell him where she'd gone.

Hermione froze as she heard his voice. She gripped her wand tightly in her pocket. "What's it matter to you, Malfoy?" She had malice in her voice as she said this, turning around to give him a cold look. "How did you find me?" She asked next... So many questions in her mind.

Draco grabbed her by the shoulders as she was heading toward the exit, "Please just let me explain, I'll tell you in full honesty, I promise. If you still hate me, you can kick me out and I won't come back. But I hope you'll at least give me a chance to show you I'm not a cheater or a liar. Please, Hermione." A few tears rolled down his face as he looked into her anger filled eyes and held her from running away from him. He couldn't handle another minute without her. He had night terrors since she left, he feared she would tell him she hated him with her whole heart then stab him right in his middle, twisting the knife and walking away smiling. If she truly hated him, he secretly wished his nightmares became reality.

Hermione moved out of his grip. "Don't... Don't touch me." Hermione said to him quietly. "You can stay, but you'll have to buy something, I'm not allowed to let customers loiter." She filled a coffee pot with fresh grounds and water. "So let's hear it. Got any truth serum? If you're going to tell me, I need to know you are being truthful."

He pulled a vial out of his pocket," I knew you'd ask me" he poured it into the coffee he bought after showing her it was in fact Veritaserum.

Draco looked at the floor for a second before starting the story. "When you went up to the bathroom that night, I followed you, which I hope you remember. I came to hold you and tell you life was going to be okay. I was just about to open the door and tell you and do all these things when Lavender," he said the name in the most annoyed tone he could, "started talking this nonsense about having fun with me again. Which I've never had fun with her, ever in my life, not even at Hogwarts. She then dragged me downstairs. I couldn't pull out of her grasp, the scar still hurting wasn't helping either. She threw me on the couch and climbed on top of me, kissing me all sloppy and then you came downstairs. I never wanted to kiss her. I assume the Weasel set it all up." He rolled his eyes and took another sip of the coffee.

"I couldn't handle it when you walked back upstairs to pack. I cried and a lot, and not quietly. Then you left the house and I could hardly even speak anymore, my voice killing me from all the crying. A bit after you left, I started begging Molly to tell me where you went. After a month, she finally told me. I went straight to Venice and searched everywhere until I found you here. And ever since I've arrived all I've wanted to do is what I planned before Lavender ruined everything." He looked into her eyes in anguish.

"I wanted to invite you on a date that night, I even planned it out with Molly. Hell I even asked your father if it was okay. She would take you out to get you a fancy dress, I would be at work for most of the day then come back to find you dressed so beautifully, your hair in perfect curls, and your eyes looking at me like they used to. I was even going to ask you to be my girlfriend and give you this." Draco's voice quieted down to nothing as he spoke his last sentence and he threw a braclet toward Hermione. It was silver with little hearts and other charms on it, including: a lion, a snake, a ferret, and an otter.

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