27. Hugging Hairstyles

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Song: When You're Gone- Avril Lavigne

Hermione woke up feeling a presence move beneath her. Suddenly she was lifted then laid on the couch, her back against the cusions. The presence had moved to be on top of her, she could feel warm breath on her arm. Her eyes opened slightly and saw Blonde hair, she reached her hand down to pet it. His arms stayed wrapped around her, his head had moved to be cuddled up just below her breasts, his ear against her stomach. Hermione continued petting Draco's head and sleepily smiling down at him.

She noticed his breath becoming ridged and uneven. His body shook a little and her shirt became wet. She pet his head a bit harder, trying to calm him down. He shook less violently but the puddle on her shirt got bigger. His hand suddenly moved up to her shirt, gripping it tightly, he quaked more. Her hand moved to rub his back.

"Draco. Draco." She said his name a few times, maybe her voice would sooth him or wake him up. She could tell it was very early as the sun barely came through the partially closed blinds.

He jumped a little as he awoke. "Draco, are you okay?" She pet his hair again as he looked up at her. He was practically planking above her, his arms on either side of her stomach holding up his chest and head. He was embarrassed for her to be seeing him like this.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." He tried to pull it off and just lay back down like nothing happened. Closing his eyes, he tried to forget what was in his dreams.

It didn't work, he could still see it. The Lavender incident, Hermione getting ready to leave him, it was happening in his head. Usually he shook and cried when he had this vision but it was never so harsh before now.

Hermione wasn't going to forget this, "did you have a nightmare?" She still ran her hand through the white strands. He cuddled up more before responding.

"Yeah, but it was stupid. Nothing to worry about." He reached his hand up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"It's obviously something important if you're crying. Tell me about it." She sat up and Draco didn't move, his head laid on her lap, his hand on her thigh, an arm around her waist. Her hand moved to rub his back.

He let out a heavy sigh, "Herms, it really is nothing. I have this dream all the time."

"No one shakes like that or cries when it's just a dream, Draco. What happened?" Her voice was laced with concern, the hand not on him moved to lay over his hand on her thigh.

He intertwined their fingers, "I'm telling you, it's stupid. Its the whole Lavender thing all over again. Just, when you leave you yell at me and stab me. Then the Weasleys gather around to throw things. I told you, I have this dream all the time, I'm used to it." His head nestled into her hip as he closed his eyes.

"Draco.. that is anything but stupid or nothing. What do i yell at you?" Her eyes filled with worry and sadness as she spoke to him.

He sniffled before responding, "You tell me that you hate me with all of your heart and that I'm a rapist. You also say you hope to never see me again.." more tears fell down his face and he let out a sharp and forced breath. Many more uneven puffs of air followed the first.

Her heart broke at the thought of saying these things. He was constantly having a nightmare of her not loving him.. "Draco..i don't, nor will I ever hate you. You aren't a rapist and I want to see you all the time. Don't let your mind play tricks on you, i really enjoy your company and love that you're my friend." She smiled at him, though he wasn't facing her to see it.

"I-i n-know." He hiccupped lightly as he spoke. His voice was scratchy as the river wouldn't stop flowing.

"Look at me, Draco." She instructed him politely. He turned as she'd said, laying on his back and looking into her eyes. He kept blinking tears away. Hermione's hands reached Draco's face and wiped them away as they came in salty droplets.

"Th-thanks, H-Herms." He smiled weakly. Her hand pulled away to move hair out of his face and push it back. His eyes closed and his head lifted to push against her hand. Her fingers lingered on his scalp as she smiled back at him.

"Anytime, Draco." She could've sworn she heard him purr as she played with the blonde locks. Giggling a little under her breath, he ignored her, so relaxed that he'd fallen back to sleep against her leg.

Hermione yawned but couldn't let slumber take over her body. She braided little pieces of his fringe. His hair was always straight as could be, she thought it'd be interesting to see it curled. Maybe one day he'd let her have her way with it.

She twirled the braid in her fingers as it unraveled. Then she got an idea and got to work, braiding every piece that was long enough. He fidged a little after she'd gotten most of the front. She had to work fast before he woke up.

Draco had about 30 sections of interlaced pieces of his hair when she was finished. He seemed to be waking up as his head moved again, it was a false alarm, he only turned back around to lay on his stomach. The boy seemed to toss and turn a lot. She smiled evilly, now she could get some of the back as well.

A small yawn echoed from his mouth. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he spoke. "Good morning 'Mione." Turning his head so he could see her face, she giggled.

"Good morning sleepy head." She knew he'd be mad at her for messing up his perfect hair.

He yawned again, "what's so funny?" His eyes closed lazily as he turned to be on his side.

"Nothing, Draco. It's just entertaining to see you wake up so happily." Her hands were slightly sore from all the braiding but she knew it'd be worth it. Seeing his hair even the slightest bit curled would surely be interesting.

He smiled before glancing at the clock, he needed to be at work a while ago. Sitting up, he stretched out his back. His hand ran through his hair, eyebrows furrowing as it felt unusual. He pulled down one of the strands he could see, noticing his hair wasn't straight.

Hermione was giggling while covering her mouth, this triggered Draco to glare at her. "What'd you do? That's why you're laughing, you did something to me while I was asleep."

She removed her hands and held her stomach, a loud laugh in her breath. "You'll have to go see for yourself." Tears were in her eyes from the immense feeling of enjoyment.

He gave her another glare and walked into the bathroom to see it in the mirror. His confusion increased at the sight of his hair being so condensed. Pulling out a few, his hair gained more volume and a wave. After all were pulled out, he was shocked. His hair was about twice its normal size, he ran his hand through the front. It'd also gotten fluffier, he glared at himself. She was lucky he was running late, otherwise he'd fix it back to normal.

"Hermione-" he was cut off by the shrill laughter as she saw his hair so wavey and unnatural. She got up and touched it, giggling more.

"I can't believe you're making me go to the office like this. What will my workers think?" He brushed her hand away and attempted to flatten the tousled frizziness.

She smiled, happiness clear in her eyes, "well, i hope they'll think I've done a good job." He shook his head at her comment.

"I need to go change my shirt and get a new jacket, see you on my lunch break?" His clothes looked fine but they were the same ones he'd worn the day before and he was highly against wearing the same suit everyday.

She frowned a little, "I'll be working through lunch today. Would you be alright with eating at the Café?"

He nodded, giving her a hug. She hugged him back. "Kay, I really need to go get dressed then go to work. Bye Herms." He pulled away and ran upstairs. She laughed at him before apparating herself home to also get changed for work.


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