6. Pajama Problem

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Song: Without Me- Hasley

Draco had a very boring workday. Another 30 minutes of his time wasted by yelling at goblins to wear suits instead of pillow cases and trying to convince them by showing off house elves who did wear the suits. He was going to be in his grave, still yelling at them. He was arguing with his own head as if it were the goblins that handled money and artifacts at his business. He set his shoes by the door once again and walked into the living room, thinking of going up the stairs to change into night clothes. What he saw in the living room had surely changed his mind.

*Mature Conent Warning*
*Skip To Next Bold If Uncomfortable*

She turned on the movie "50 First Dates", laying down on the couch, watching it all alone. Suddenly Ron walked down the stairs and sat next to Hermione on the couch. "Wow... Mione... you look gorgeous in those pajamas... so revealing." he whispered to her. "You should wear stuff like that around me more often." He winked at her and tried to wrap his arms around Hermione's waist as he said these things.

"Ronald get your DAMN hands away from me and keep your eyes to yourself." She spat at him wrapping the blanket around herself. Ron simply laughed, "Mione, why wear something like that if you don't intend for people to see... I mean c'mon darling, I can practically see your breast through that sheer silk."

He reached out to grab Hermione's breast but Hermione smacked his hand as hard as she could. "Ooh, Feisty. I like it." he smirked reaching again and this time Hermione raised her hand and smacked him across his face as hard as she could. "DO. NOT." She yelled at him tightly wrapping herself in the blanket.

Ron smirked, "So if you didn't wear it for me, then who for?" he whispered huskily to her. "Charlie? I know you used to like him Hermione... or still do." he smirked "Or Percy? Percy isn't interested 'Mione." He smirked at her cruelly and stood up. "I'm just kidding.. besides, we all know you wore it for Draco." he snarled rolling his eyes.

"When he rejects you... you know where my room is. You can wear that." He winked and with that walked up the stairs, neither of them noticed Draco's presence that whole time.

Hermione began questioning herself, did she wear it for anybody? Surely, she didn't... but she didn't deny wearing it for Draco.

*Mature Content End*
* For Those Who Didn't Read Mature, A Short Clean Summary: Ron sat on the couch next to Hermione. He immediately started critiquing everything she did. From her childish pajamas to her slightly knotted hair. Hermione kept telling him to stop but he didn't. He continued to put her down in every way he could think of. He even told her that 50 First Dates is the worst movie ever, knowing it was her favorite. Ron has abused her because she won't give him what he wants.*
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Hermione curled up into a ball on the couch sadly and glued her eyes on the television trying to forget everything.

Draco looked towards Hermione with sad eyes, he wanted to do two things at once. One he wanted to kill that damn weasel for touching Hermione and two he wanted to cuddle her and tell her how much he cared about her. As much as he wanted to, he didn't.

He looked up toward the stairs then back to Hermione. He walked into the living room and sat next to Hermione. He pulled a blanket off the side of the couch and wrapped it around himself, glancing over at her.

Hermione was shaking. It was hard to tell if she was trembling from fear or shivering in the cold house. She wasn't from the cold or the fear... but from defeat. Hermione didn't move an inch as Draco sat down. Her eyes were blank as she stared at the television, it was clear she was not watching or listening to it. No emotion was in her eyes... she looked drained.

He looked back toward the TV for about 5 minutes then spoke in a very monotone way, "He shouldn't have done that to you." He twirled his thumbs and looked at the old grandfather clock and said, "I have half the mind to go up there and beat him to a pulp but then you would be all alone again and that's the last thing I would want for a beautiful woman that's hurting." He looked back toward her and hoped she'd speak but at the same time he wanted her to say nothing and just fall asleep in his arms.

He saw himself carrying her into Ginny's room later that night if she did the second option. And he saw her crying herself to sleep with the first option, except she only starts crying after he's left the room. He didn't really like either of the visions. His eyes turned sad and he was biting his bottom lip as he thought about what she could possibly do.

As Draco spoke, Hermione flinched, coming back to reality. Hermione sat up slightly looking at him. She was never weak. Strength ran through her blood. She was never caught in moments of weakness, but somehow Draco caught her in every one she was having. "I... I know he shouldn't have. I got scared, I didn't know what to say or how to push him away." She said as she confided in him. "Don't leave me alone Malfoy... please sit here with me, even if we don't talk." Her voice practically begged him.

It was clear she was afraid to be alone. Afraid if she was down here alone that Ron would come back. Afraid if she went to her room and was there alone, Ron would come and... hurt her... do worse possibly.

Hermione scooted close to Draco, feeling comfortable with him. She rested her head against his shoulder as they watched the movie. Hermione was still shaking but not as horribly as she had been.

Draco pet Hermione's hair and held her close. He could feel her shaking and he felt terrible that he didn't come inside sooner or do anything, he just watched in horror. He forgave himself a little as he was helping her but he wouldn't truly forgive himself until he had beaten the shit out of the bastard living on the highest floor of the house. He shook the thoughts from his head, pulling it off as a shiver. He pulled Hermione's blanket up to her shoulders and smiled down at her.

He watched the movie in silence, he hadn't seen this one before and found it rather funny. Laughing quietly when the movie ended with a new video explaining they lived on a boat and had a daughter, he couldn't imagine what Adam Sandler's character had to go through. He looked back down at Hermione and smiled. He felt bad reaching for the remote as he didn't know if she was asleep or not, so he turned off the TV with his wand.

"Goodnight Hermione," Draco said as he closed his eyes and let sleep take over his body, the small smile still there. Hermione who had been asleep the entire movie, woke up at the end. Her head was nuzzled in his chest and her arms were tightly wrapped around his waist. She shifted gently and sat up to see Draco.

Hermione frowned and gently shook Draco trying to wake him up. "Draco..." she whispered in his ear. "Let's go to bed." she spoke tiredly, standing up and stretching. Hermione grabbed onto his hands to gently pull him up. She blushed, embarrassed to tell him she couldn't sleep alone. She was scared. Even if he made her sleep on the floor, Hermione decided she would sleep in his room, she had to be near him. She convinced herself it was for protection only.

Draco woke up as he was pulled from the warm comfort of the couch. "What? Herms? What are we doing?" He said. His sleepy brain wouldn't allow him to process the current events.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" She asked him shyly. Draco woke up a bit and replied drowsily, "yeah.. oh wait, I'm sleeping in Ron's room while I'm here.. you'd probably rather me coming to your room." He rubbed his eyes with his free hand, his other was still holding Hermione's.

"Oh, I guess we can go to my room. I'll take you there." She walked about half the way up the spiral stair case, Draco trailing a few tired steps behind her. She opened the door and climbed into the bed, cuddling up in her blankets.

"You can join me if you'd like, I don't mind." She said, looking at him as he stood tiredly. He had a tiny sleep smile on his face as he got into bed next to her.

She smiled back at him. "Thank you, Draco. Goodnight." He looked into her eyes, "No problem. Goodnight Herms. "

He turned away from her and she frowned but cuddled into his back. Both fell asleep rather fast, neither dreamed of anything. Their heads only filled with empty darkness.


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