36. Potion Problem

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Song: Welcome To My Life- Simple Plan

Draco let go of Hermione's hand as he sat at the counter. She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before flashing a smile, "Thanks for walking me to work, Drake. You really didn't need to, you're late because of me." She bit her lip as she looked at the clock, 10:00AM, he was fifteen minutes late already.

"No need to thank me or worry. My boss is rather lenient on when I arrive to work, sometimes, he doesn't even care when I don't show up." Draco teased her with a smirk. Hermione rolled her eyes, "Since when do you not care about being on time? You always worry about it when you wake up late or get distracted."

His smirk only widened, "You mean when you distract me?" She held back a smile and hit his shoulder. "I'm telling the truth and you know it, Herms. But, to answer your question, today. For today, I'm choosing not to worry about it because I have a date with a very beautiful woman later."

The gears in her head were turning, "Oh really? What's this woman like? How does she look?" He knew she'd fall for it and took her hands in his. "Well, she's very sassy and confident. Doesn't let people push her around, really loves reading, teases me constantly. She looks like a goddess, no matter what she wears. Long curly hair, these eyes that light up when she sees me. An absolute masterpiece."

She blushed bright red and kissed him quickly, "You ought to be heading off to work now, hm? Need anything before you go?" His face calmed to a smile, "Some coffee to go would be nice." She grinned, "I'll be right on it."

Draco stayed seated while Hermione put on her apron and got to work. The door chimed and an older man entered. The male wore a blue shirt that tucked into his tan trousers, a red infinity scarf around his neck, a watch on his wrist, and a bright smile on his face. "Hey 'Mio, one latte to stay."

Draco viewed the man as he sat next to him. He hadn't seen Cedric in a while, a week at least. Draco was just realizing how much older Cedric actually was, he had to be about twenty-four while Draco was still nineteen. "Hello, Cedric," he continued to eye the man as he waited for Hermione to return.

"Hello there Drake, didn't notice you." Cedric turned to him and Draco cringed, "Do not call me that."

"'Mio calls you Drake all the time, what's the difference?" Cedric raised an eyebrow, pushing his curled and styled hair out of his face.

Draco clenched his teeth again, "You just don't call me that, okay? Only Herms and sometimes her sister call me that." Just as Cedric had, Draco pushed his hair back but his was straight and messy as usual.

"I didn't know 'Mio had a sister. How old's she?" Cedric knew that Hermione was now taken and he had to accept that but he still wanted someone like her. "Mm let's see, her birthday's in March. She's nine," Draco laughed at the paled face of the other blonde.

Hermione came from the kitchen with a to-go cup of coffee, "What's so funny out here?" Draco calmed his laughter and Cedric came from his trance. "Nothing, 'Mio."

She raised an eyebrow at Cedric before looking back to Draco, "Just how you like it, it's still hot so be careful. I'll see you later, Drake." She set down his cup to put her hands on his shoulder. Hermione kissed his cheek for a second before waving and entering the kitchen again. "Thanks, Herms! See you later!" He shouted back into the kitchen.

Draco set down a couple Euros before picking up the coffee and giving Cedric a slight nod. He apparated from the shop once he could see no people around him. Sighing, he stepped into the lift and got ready for another boring day of arguing with idiots known as his workers.

"Hello, Andrew. What seems to be the problem?" One of Draco's employees had entered his office for the first time since he'd been hired. The boy was known to work in potions and he was phenomenal at it, one of Draco's favorites.

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