10. Gutsy Grangers

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Song: Animal- Neon Trees

Hermione was waiting impatiently by the front door for her parents' arrival. Molly had fixed them up a bed in George's room, making George move to sleep in Ron's. Now Draco and Harry would be sleeping on the couches. Molly kept saying she was sorry and wouldn't forgive herself for not having two more beds but Harry and Draco didn't really care. They were both adults and both secretly planning to not sleep on the couch at all.

"You really don't think she'll catch or scold us?" Harry said to Draco.

"Do you even know Molly? She wouldn't dare confront her guests about sleeping in the same rooms as her daughters. She might, however, question Ginny. But knowing Ginny, she can handle herself." Draco said, swatting his hand in the empty air like he was slapping the anxiety off of Harry.

"Mmm I'll believe it when I see it. She'll probably still say something to me about it. She wouldn't stop questioning Ginny about the marks the other day, she kept looking back and forth between us like she'd say something to me but couldn't. One of these days she's bound to explode." Harry rubbed his neck nervously.

"Fine, you sleep on the couch then. Have fun with a hurting back and a cold chest. You know where I'll be. The most comfortable bed in the house with the most beautiful woman in my arms. I've gotten away with it so far. Ron never says anything about me being gone. Molly is completely clueless on where I sleep." Draco scoffed, Harry was such a wimp when it came to parents. Draco understood Harry never really had any but he thought his aunt and uncle would've taught him some things.

"Well that's your luck, Malfoy. I haven't exactly had the best luck since I was born." Harry said rolling his eyes.

Draco sighed, "are you always gonna pull the Voldemort killed my parents card, Potter?"

"Maybe, now that I know it bothers you." Harry said with a smirk.

Draco was going to say something but he heard a shriek from the living room. Harry traveled with him to scout out the disturbance.

Hermione was welcoming two adults into the house. Huge hugs all around. A man with short, curly, light brown hair and a woman with black, long, straight hair. Within a minute, another person came into view. Draco assumed the older ones to be Hermione's parents but he didn't think she had a sister.

He continued walking towards them, thinking about how to make a good first impression. These were his, kind of, girlfriend's parents after all.

Mr. Granger pulled away from the hug and noticed Draco's presence. "Hello, I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy, it's nice to meet you." Draco stuck out his hand for the older male. Wendel shook Draco's extended hand reluctantly. "Hello Draco. I'm Wendel. This is, my wife, Monica. Over there, hiding on the couch, is our daughter Allison." Wendel let go of Draco's hand and motioned to people as he introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Monica, I'm Draco." He shook her hand as well. He decided against greeting Allison right then and focused on the parents and Hermione.

He stood behind her as she spoke to her parents. "I'm so glad you guys are finally here. I've been standing at the door for a half hour." Hermione said with happiness.

"More like all day." Draco whispered. Hermione heard him and shoved him while telling him to shush.

"Glad to hear we're wanted. Where are the Weasley's at? I believe we owe them some thanks for letting us stay here." Wendel said, peeking around his daughter's head to look for red hair.

"Oh, they're outside in the back yard. Feel free to go visit. I'm going to say hi to Allison before meeting you out there. " Hermione said with a smaller smile than she'd had before.

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