46. Darling Dates

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Song: Bubbly- Colbie Caillat

ashraye55 I hope this suffices until a later date.

The couple often went on little dates. Sometimes it was small picnics, other times it was a new little tea shop they found or walks around the city. They found many fun things to do.

Hermione secretly loved being spoiled as Draco took her across the country. He'd found a lot of interesting places in Venice and he made it a mission to show her every single spot. Her favorite had been the beaches, they'd went a couple times now that it was getting warmer.

She dared to wear a sundress this time, telling him to wear less business casual and more comfortable casual. He stood in front of her a second before doing a little twirl, "How is this?" White jacket over a light blue shirt with tan pants, grey tennis shoes, and some dorky sunglasses. He looked almost the definition of a pale wizard trying to dress like a muggle.

"Still too fancy but better than a suit," she commented, coming closer to grab and straighten the ends of his jacket. He looked down at her hands as she took the jacket from him. She hung it back up, bringing him new bottoms.

He smiled at her efforts but had to point something out, "I'll turn into a tomato if I just wear this. The sun isn't my friend. Is the jacket really so bad?"

She bit her lip, "Is turning into a tomato really so bad?" He glared at her, "You're the one who has to nurse me back to pale as could be. You decide." She rolled her eyes at his dramatic response.

"Fiiiinnnnee. I just wanted to show you off a little today," she spoke under her breath. He smirked as he still heard her, "Oh really? To who?"

Hermione blushed but didn't respond as she helped adjust his jacket back over his arms and chest. "You'll need sunscreen, won't you?"

"You are really going to pretend you didn't just say that?" Draco wiggled his brows at her. "Said what?" She gave him the same look before walking out of their bedroom.

Their hands intertwined on the walk from the alley to the beach, laughing as they ran across the road to avoid traffic. "So miss goody two shoes can break the rules a little," he chuckled. She hit him but was giggling herself, "I'm not a goody goody, I've been purposefully breaking rules since I was born, Drake."

"Mm and what rules would those be? Did you wait less than an hour after eating before jumping in the water?" He smiled. She bit her lip and kept them walking closer to the warm sea water.

He stayed a little behind to hike up his pant bottoms and take off his shoes while Hermione was already ankle deep. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, closing her eyes and feeling the wind push her hair and dress in front of her. Draco grinned as he came up behind her, kissing her cheek as his hands came around her stomach.

She tilted her head to look at him, nuzzling her face into his chest. He leaned down a little, pressing his lips into hers. Catching onto his game plan quickly, she ran off further into the water.

He followed hurriedly, "You are going to splash me, are you not?" He stopped suddenly before she laughed, cupping small puddles in her hands to throw at him.

"You are going to get it, 'Mione," he blocked his eyes, pretending to be mad while he couldn't help but smile. She ran further into the shallows, almost up to her knees, moving her feet to avoid sinking into the sand.

He chased after her, splashing a little but more concerned in catching the woman. She screamed as he caught up and took her in his arms, "Don't you dare!"

Draco bit his lip to stop from grinning and laughing at her face as he walked them to where his knees were submerged. Hermione held on tight as he stopped, "You better not."

"Aw but it would be so entertaining," he smirked as he sat down. A small wave was quick to try and push them completely over, making him laugh at her panic. "I have you, the sea can't steal you away," he told her.

"You better, I'm not a huge fan of deep water," she clung to him, watching the water level hesitantly. "Well if it scares you, just stand up and it'll be shallow again," he turned her to face him, her legs sliding to either side of his chest, "What has you so terrified in the first place?"

"Did you ever jump off a dragon about fifty feet above a freezing cold pond? Were you ever knocked out and enchanted to not drown at the bottom of a lake for an hour?" Her legs wrapped around him as her arms moved so she could rest her head on his shoulder. "I see your point. I had no idea you all jumped off a dragon. Was that when you broke into Gringotts?"

Hermione nodded, "Whatever part of Ron that listens to Charlie thought it best to escape and let the dragon free at the same time. I can tell you that riding a large reptile isn't the most fun you can have after goblins have just tried to kill you after stealing from a murderer's vault." Draco laughed a little, "I can imagine its a great story to tell at parties, with an experience like that, I'm surprised Harry can work at the ministry."

She laughed a little too, "They over reward him for living at times. He'd probably get off with a smack on the hand if he committed arson. Ron and I don't get near as many luxuries though, we were offered to skip eighth year."

"You wouldn't have skipped it even if they gave you a million Galleons a year," he grinned, ever since they met, he knew she was a person who never took what she wanted. Hermione wasn't one to accept being spoiled on the daily, she wanted to earn her bed of roses. What he also knew was that she loved being swept off her feet every once in a while, in fact, she needed it.

Her laugh was infectious, a melody in his ears, traveling straight to his heart. "No, I wouldn't have. But if I did, it might have been nice to meet this side of you so much sooner." He came from his trance as she melted in his arms, "And, had I known what a woman you are, I'd have put more time into getting to know you when I had the chances."

His hand held her cheek softly, rubbing tiny back and forth motions with his thumb. She was the one to make a move this time, closing her eyes and sitting taller to reach his mouth. Draco's cheeks were stained red by the sunlight, already trying to ruin his pale complexion. Hermione was apparently immune, using the poisonous rays to power her beauty. She was a tad sunkissed on her shoulders but it only brought out her olive tones more, making her more goddess like than before.

Goddess and angel met in perfect harmony. Yin and yang. Black and white. Sun and moon. Day and night.

"I love you," he told her, whispering into her ear. She felt the butterflies in her stomach flapping their wings violently, some traveling down her limbs to the tips of her fingers and toes. "I love you too."


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