34. Potter Parenting

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Song: Growing Up- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

"Harry! Come quick! You're gonna miss it again!" A redhead shouted from the lowest level of Godric's Hollow. A loud noise was heard near the stairs followed by a grunt and the stomping of large feet.

The raven-haired boy looked panicked as he came to his wife, kneeling next to the couch, "D-did I m-miss it?" Harry panted as he placed a hand over Ginny's stomach and his head into her chest. She laughed and put one hand on his, the other messed with his hair, "Right on time. Can't you feel her in there? Is it hard enough this time?"

Ginny had been trying to tell Harry whenever the baby kicked so he would finally experience it but all her attempts had been failures so far. He shook his head sadly but didn't move his body an inch, "I can't feel her, Gin." Though neither actually knew the baby's gender, they had been hoping for a girl. Ginny had even bought some baby clothes by now and some said 'Daddy's girl' in large curly letters, she really hoped she wasn't like her parents and would have to wait six kids to have a girl.

"She must be shy towards you or something, she kicks for me all day." Ginny laid her head back into the couch and folded her arms in a pout. Harry tried to be sympathetic but he knew hardly anything about babies, "I'm sure I'll feel it eventually. She has four months still, she's bound to give up her shyness by then." He kissed her stomach before meeting her eyes.

Truth be told, Ginny was terrified about being a mother. Would she be any good? How would she know what the baby wanted? What if she couldn't teach it how to walk and talk? What if the baby hated her? What if Harry left her when the baby was born? Ginny had so many worries circling her head and it gave her a constant migraine.

"Ginny.. Gin. Ginerva. Ginny!" Harry got progressively louder to pull his wife from her distractions. She jumped a little and looked right at him, "What?"

Harry pulled a small coin from his pocket, "Sickle for your thoughts?" A smile was on his face as he moved to sit on the coffee table and hold her hand in both of his.

She sighed and fumbled with the coin, "Are we actually ready for this? I mean, I know we've been taking care of Teddy and doing pretty good with him. But this is our baby, we aren't starting to take care of her at almost two years old, we're starting from the beginning. We have to teach her how to walk and talk, eat, sleep, so many things all in the span of three years.." He rubbed small circles on her palm with his thumbs.

"Gin, we'll be great parents. Like you said, we're doing great with Teddy. Even if he's already twenty months old, that still counts. No one knows how to care for their first child, you take it as it happens. You don't need to worry about it, Gin, we have four more months to prepare." He moved some hair from her face and kissed her cheek.

She smiled but it didn't meet her eyes, "You really think we're gonna be good at this? You won't abandon us?" Ginny knew this was a stupid question but her overthinking forced her to ask it.

He looked hurt at even the thought, "Ginny, I would never leave you or the baby. Not a day has gone by where I've thought about that. You know i love you, right?" He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

Ginny nodded and pulled him over to hug him. Small tears rolled down her cheeks, "Harry, w-what if th-the baby doesn't l-love m-me?"

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