15. Soundful Showers

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Song: Calum Scott- Dancing On My Own

Draco didn't feel like doing anything that Saturday. He was supposed to be nervous and looking forward to a date with Hermione but that was all cancelled now.

He laid on her bed, the sheets still smelled like her and it only made him more upset when he woke up to her not being there. She'd emptied all her stuff from the room. Her sheets were the only thing that proved Hermione once lived at the Burrow.

The sun was shining through the window like usual, blinding anyone who dared look it's way. Draco closed his eyes and still faced the window. He didn't care that he was sweating or that he still wore the pjs from a few days ago.

He heard the knock on the door and said nothing. It opened and he felt someone sit on the bed next to him. They rubbed his arm before speaking, "Draco, you can't mope around all day. You have to get up and do something." It was Molly talking to him.

"Have you gotten a letter back from her?" Was all he said. His voice was very quiet and raspy. Molly frowned.

"Yes, I have." She took her hand off of his arm and stood up.

"I haven't heard a thing from her.." he spoke without moving an inch from the spot he occupied on the bed. He was remembering the first time he'd woken up here, Hermione was complaining about the sun and he rotated them both around. He missed everything about it, even her screams as she told him to put her down.

Molly could tell Draco was in a dark place. She'd only seen George be more distraught than Draco was right now. George cried for months after Fred died. It took him until June of 1999, this year, to return to the joke shop. Ron and Arthur had been running it as well as they could, limiting store hours because they both had other things to do. George got the shop up and running again and decided to commemorate his brother by making a yearly Fred week. He sold everything Fred loved, buying tons of chocolate frogs, Fizzing Whizbees, and noise producing candies that could make you sound like animals and forms of transport. It was the best sales of the entire year.

"Draco, we all know you're hurting. It does you no good to lay up here in sorrow. Come and eat lunch, help Percy degnome the garden. Distract yourself a little." Molly shook him, trying to convince him to get up.

He laid flat on his back but did not get up. "What's the point? She's not going to come back, she's not going to leave my mind. I hardly even slept, the little bit I did was a nightmare. She stabs me before she leaves then you all throw things at me, including the gnomes. Molly, she's going to haunt me until I die or see her again.." his voice cracked throughout his sentences, his eyes now open and boringly admiring the ceiling.

"Nonsense, if George can handle losing someone he knew since birth, that he arguably loved more than you loved her, you can get over this. Come on, lunch is ready downstairs and I expect you to come." Molly walked out of the room, leaving Draco with his thoughts.

After a while, he reluctantly got up and changed into jeans instead of sweatpants, leaving his white tank top on. He glanced at the mirror before going downstairs. The bruises on his face were healing in patches, some areas green while others remained a fresh purple. He could see the top of his scar through the neck of the tank top, it was very noticeable.

He took one last look at his face, wiping the salt off his cheeks and eye lids, then traveled downstairs. He didn't care how his hair had looked, for once. The family at the table seemed surprised to see him at lunch.

"Glad you could make it Draco, dear." Molly smiled at him as he sat down. He ended up between Ginny and Percy, being the last person there. He took one of the many triangular sandwiches on the table, just looking at it in his hand.

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