29. Honey's Home

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Song: Fine By Me- Andy Grammer

Hermione woke up, sweating like she never had. She detached Draco's arms and took off her sweater, she didn't care when her shirt came with it. Cuddling back up, she felt his hands travel to her sides and his body rotate. She thought to herself that he must enjoy laying on her stomach or he just knew he was guaranteed to have his hair played with.

She fell back asleep after a few minutes. Draco had gotten cold as the AC turned on at 8am. Pulling the blanket up to his shoulder, it reached just above Hermione's belly button. He nuzzled back into her bottom ribs, letting out a deep and relaxed breath. He couldn't drift back into fantasy land and just stayed where he was, his eyes closed.

Suddenly, there was a tap at the window. He thought he was hearing things and didn't move. A minute later, there was another. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened his eyes. Trying to get a glimpse without moving, he couldn't see a thing. Was he losing his mind? A few more taps and he was carefully getting up, sadly taking her hands off his neck. She shivered a little when he left, prompting him to pull the blanket up on her. He smiled at her sleepy state before turning back to his task.

Draco opened the curtains and found his mother's patronus staring back at him. He sighed and opened the window, he knew it'd be something stupid. His mother always sent him weak patronuses that could hardly be understood and cut out in sections.

"Draco, honey," the bluish tinted puffin spoke to him. He could never take it seriously. "Your father and i were wondering--- never showed up to Christmas? You always-- us, why not this year? Please do come by today, we miss and love you dearly." The animal turned into a mist that fell to the floor before disappearing completely.

Draco sat on the edge of the bed, moving hair from Hermione's face. She reacted to his touch, snuggling her cheek into his hand. He smiled and caressed her cheek, leaving a kiss on the tip of her nose.

Small footsteps entered the room, it was obvious the person tried to stay silent. A gasp exited their mouth and he turned to see who had made the noise. Monica and Allison stood a few steps inside the door. Monica had her hands over Allison's eyes.

"Mum, what are you doing? Why can't I see?" Allison tried to remove the woman's hands. Monica looked Draco up and down, seeing clothes on the floor near the bed and relaxed smiles on the young faces.

Monica held her head high and glared at the two of them, "are you really doing that, in my house? You could've at least had the decency to close the door." She scrunched her face as Hermione had moved in her sleep and the blanket fell below her bra.

Draco was highly confused. What had he done? Seeing Monica look at Hermione, he did as well. She didn't look any different from usual, he looked back to Monica. "Do what, exactly?" He looked at the floor and his own body. Nothing seemed wrong.

"Do I have to explain the birds and bees to you, Draco? A grown man?" Monica spoke sternly, sending Allison out of the room.

A switch in his head flickered before fully turning on. "Oh. Mrs. Granger, I would never do that. Your daughter means far too much to me, your home is just extremely warm at night. Herms was already asleep when I brought her up here, she must've gotten warm as well." Draco explained as well as he could, Monica's expression softened slightly.

"How do I know you didn't just dress yourself up?" She questioned him as her husband had the night before.

He pointed to the open window, "my mother sent me a message so I had to answer it and open the window. And Herms still has pants on." He moved the blanket around Hermione's feet, she almost kicked him as he revealed her light blue jeans.

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