58. Propitious Pondering

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Song: I Wouldn't Mind- He Is We

Draco couldn't continue labeling everything as the most nerve wracking thing he'd ever done, the list had gone on too long. He tried not to choke himself, pulling on his tie while he waited just outside a threshold. He hadn't even rang the doorbell and he feared for his life that someone would open the door and outright reject him.

"What if they-" he kept interrupting his own thoughts, pacing on the front porch. The neighbors passing by stared at him, his disheveled look from pulling his hair and having gotten up early likely didn't help his look of distress. The blonde had bags under his eyes and a weight on his shoulders, his heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer.

Still, he fought his anxious worries, knocking loudly on the door and silently hoping no one was home. The cars parked in the driveway didn't give him high hopes and his worries previous to now were eating him up inside worse than the footsteps echoing through his ears. Taking deep breaths, he tried to focus on the task at hand. His mother would be perfectly fine with Hermione at The Three Broomsticks, he didn't need to worry about that, his mother could keep secrets and she wasn't a danger to society, Hermione being the only piece of society he had ever cared about.

You're making this harder than it has to be. No, I'm not. Everyone said it would be this stressful. It wouldn't have to be stressful had you let me plan it. Had I let you plan it, I wouldn't like it.

The door opened, clearing his thoughts as he shook them from his head. As usual, he was met by someone who was shorter than expected. "Draco? What are you doing here? Mum and Dad never said you were coming. Where's Hermione?"

"Ar-are your parents home?" He scratched his neck, avoiding her eyes. His face had flushed red, his feet overlapped on the edges of his soles, his hands now not knowing what to do and oddly laying against his sides.

The girl sighed, "Mum! Dad! It's for you!" She took another glance at him, wondering what was wrong as his forehead began to look a bit damp. Blowing it off as though it were his usual, she wandered back into the house, waving him inside and closing the door behind him.

A dark haired woman came from the kitchen after a minute, looking at him just as strangely as her daughter had. Her eyes absorbed his attire, he looked more casual today than she had ever seen him. He had been in such a rush that he hadn't worn a suit jacket or a vest, opting for only navy slacks, tie, and a blue grey dress shirt. His hair was a disaster, going every which way and looking crumpled at the sides where he had had his hands a majority of the day.

The woman looked as though she had somewhere to be that day, her hair was in beachy waves, her makeup done with little wings at the edges of her eyes and a pink color on her lips. How she dressed was modest as usual, a knee-length skirt and a red-orange blouse, her shoes were more formal, coming to a point that faced in his direction.

"Draco, what brings you by? Long way to come for nothing." The woman gave him a small hug of recognition then pulled away to look at him for answers.

Draco gulped, hearing more footsteps from upstairs. "I um.. is Wendel- are you and Wendel b-busy today?" Ah, yes, a stumbling idiot. That's what every parents wants in their child's significant other. Shut up, Mother said you weren't any better.

"Well.. we do have to be leaving in a bit to meet up for a dinner date with my sister and brother-in-law. What's on your mind? You seem worried about something." Monica had been holding his hand in both of hers for a while now, her eyes trying to read into his emotions through his body language.

"I-I can come back later," he pulled his hand away, taking a step back towards the door. She shook her head, "We don't have to be at the meeting place for another half hour. Please, come sit. We always see them anyways, they can wait. Wendel would be down in a few, he's still getting dressed."

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