31. Apparating Arrogantly

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Song: Jessie's Girl- Rick Springfield

Hermione grinned wildly as a tall man entered her workplace. She ran up and hugged him, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Someone's excited to see me," Draco pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

Cedric sat in the usual chair at the counter. He hated what had become a morning routine, he had been so close to having what they have. Ced's jealousy level only rose more as Draco sat next to him. He watched the business man flirt with Hermione, she was giggling from the kitchen. He let out a sigh and this got Draco's attention.

Giving a small smile he said, "Hello Cedric, I didn't notice you there."

Cedric scoffed, "Hello." Of course he didn't see me, too distracted with his toy, he thought to himself. He pretended to be happy then immediately went back to a poker-face.

Draco knew Cedric was jealous of him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't the slightest bit proud of it. He sat contently, looking away from Cedric and to Hermione. Her hair was in a high messy bun, little pieces fell in her face as she worked. Eyes shimmering as usual, she blushed when she noticed him staring. His face flushed as well when their eyes met. He still couldn't believe he'd known the beautiful girl for so long, yet only now he realized how gorgeous she was.

"Anything fun at the office, today? Blaise still calling you Patrick?" She came over to him as her lunch break started. Their new intern had finally graduated to employee and took over lunch rush. Hermione loved it, she could finally get away instead of working through lunch.

Draco groaned, "Yes, don't remind me. Blaise won't leave me alone about it, neither will my receptionist. Apparently, there's a splotch in the back that's darker than the rest, so she's been calling me spot."

She laughed at this, causing him to glare at her. "I'm s-sorry, that's great as a nickname for you," she covered her mouth to surpress the giggles but they wouldn't stop. He rolled his eyes and took her hand, walking her from the shop to down the street for their lunch plans.

Cedric exited the Café, following discreetly. He was going to figure out what was so great about this guy. Hermione didn't seem like a second chance, forgivinig, person, there had to be some reason she liked him. He always wore suits, was he buying her love?

He spied from the window of the sandwich shop they'd entered. She wouldn't stop smiling as they talked. Cedric could never make her that happy, the thought sickened him. This pink haired loser had to be drugging her or something.

Cedric watched the entirety of their date, he had to hide when they exited the small restaurant. They kissed before splitting ways, he about vomited but followed after Draco. The taller blonde went behind a back alley and looked around before pulling a stick from his pocket. Cedric got closer from behind and grabbed onto Draco's arm, he was prepared for Draco to ruin something. What Cedric didn't expect was the sick dizzy feeling, a hurting wrist, and the surprise of being in a completely different place.

"Where the hell did you just take me? How did i get here? What are you holding?" He bombarded Draco with questions. The Brit was just as surprised and confused as the Italian.

"Where did you come from? Why did you grab me? What are you following me for?" Draco was almost yelling his questions, pulling Cedric's bloody hand from his suit jacket.

Having heard the commotion, a few people walked up to them. "Sir, are you alright?" "Who's this?" "Shall we escourt him out?" "Is he a muggle? He looks rather sick." One of them gasped, "look at his wrist! He must have gotten splinched!"

Draco silenced the crowd with his wand, "shush, i don't want to hear another word. Get back to work, I will handle it. And no, Ms.Jones, he is not a muggle." The crowd dissipated, the woman he'd called out left last with a red face. He had grown sick of the gosipers of his employees, he no longer tolerated it.

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