24. Guileful Ginny

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Song: Feltbeats (Tom Felton)- Time Isn't Healing

Draco woke up and rubbed his eyes. The first of the month and still he had not found her. Venice had far too many Cafés and bakeries. All of Castello was filled with tiny shops and he had visited every single one, then he visited the other side of the little island, now he would be going across the water to see if he could find her. He couldn't be too far off. The part of Venice that wasn't in a lagoon had a lot less little buildings. Hopefully this would make her easy to find.

It was Saturday which was always a day he spent searching. He packed a sandwich and aparated into an alley way with no people. Time to start looking. He found many cute little shops. None seemed to hold her so far. It was already noon and he still hadn't found her. He stopped in one of the bigger cafés and sat down.

Ordering some coffee, Draco pulled out parchment and ink from the backpack he'd been wearing. They were very useful muggle contraptions.

"Darling Herms,
I told you I would change something but did you expect both? I doubt you did. I'm traveling a bit today, as you've noticed, I do this every Saturday. The city is beautiful and there's so much to see. I don't know if I'll have time to visit it all in a day. Maybe if I didn't peek in every shop, I would find what I'm looking for. But perhaps taking a look doesn't hurt. It's actually rather fun, sometimes I find little trinkets to buy. I've already spent far too much money today. I don't even use keys for anything.

Traveling in Europe is more interesting than I thought. It's so entertaining to hear people talk in different languages but be part of the same city. German, English, Italian, even some French. I'm trying to learn all of them but I'm terrible at German. I've finally learned Itailian, French, and Latin. Its been quite the chore but I enjoy it. My accents are, of course, garbage as my voice is already stuck in a permanent British. I feel like I offend the natives but I guess they should be happy I took time to learn the language even if I can't speak it 100% properly.

I love you, Herms.
Ich liebe dich, Herms.
Je t'aime, Herms.
Te amo, Herms.

He thought maybe she'd find it cute that he wrote i love you in all of the languages he spoke. Picking up his coffee, he walked back into the streets. It was going to be a long day of walking and his feet already hated him.

Draco arrived back home, still no luck. He face planted into his bed then turned his face to have his cheek in the sheets. He let out a deep sigh. The letter was mailed off not too long ago, like the other, it would arrive late. He wondered if she still cared.

It was getting cold in Venice. Much colder than it had been in England. The temperature wasn't much different but the humidity around him made the cold more chilling. He hated the cold, he would move back to England in a heart beat if he weren't in Italy for a reason.

Draco was searching harder for her the past few days, he needed to prove Molly wrong and find Hermione before Christmas came along. He only had 24 days left to find her before his time ran out. He had been so cocky when he told Molly he'd find Hermione. He couldn't just give up, he was a man of his word.


Hermione was at home like a usual Saturday. When noon came along she sat by the window, she was surprised to not see an owl. Now that Draco had moved somewhere only Knight ever came with her letters. She assumed this meant he lived a bit closer than he had at the Burrow.

She waited and waited like she did everytime a letter was late. She wondered what he was up to on the days they weren't sent on time. Finally,  Knight arrived. This time she gave him a treat, he gave her a little chirp and was on his way. She smiled and opened the letter.

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