18. Café Care

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Song: Be Alright- Dean Lewis

Hermione and Draco were both at work, it was now a week after the 'break up'. Hermione was slightly enjoying her job at the coffee shop. She'd been having the same regular customer since she'd started working. His name was Cedric Morelli, Hermione liked that his first name matched that of the tri-wizard champion. She thought it was funnily coincidental. Though he was a muggle she swore he would've been a hufflepuff or whatever the Beauxbatons version of a hufflepuff was.

He had dirty Blonde hair with deeply colored Italian skin and eyes. She found it fun to stare at him and he found it fun to flirt with her. She didn't know how to feel about it and awkwardly laughed at most of his comments.

The first week was a lot of dish washing and cleaning tables. She also served as a bit of a waitress for the people at the main counter's barstools. Cedric always sat there to get her full attention. She found it creepy at first but by day 7 she was getting used to him. He was always trying to flatter her.

He had a new joke today. "What goes up when the rain goes down?" He said to her. Hermione stopped everything sbe was doing and looked outside to see that it was in fact raining.

"I-i don't know. W-what?" She said trying to keep her cool but all she could think about was him. "An umbrella," Cedric smiled at her.

Anytime it rained or someone said anything that sounded the slightest bit like something he'd say, she would lose it. She couldn't be normal when she thought of him. She tried pushing him out of her head by cleaning the grill. That only lead to more memories of being in the kitchen with him. She jumped a little as the tear that fell down her face landed on the hot grill with a sizzle and small pops. She realized what was happening and went to talk to her manager.

"I-i can't do i-it today. I-i j-just c-can't. I'll s-see you t-tomorrow." She said to her manager who just nodded, he understood that a good worker was not a crying worker. Hermione ran out of the building after throwing her apron on the counter. Cedric watched her, unsure of what had happened.

He set down some money and followed her outside. She had tripped over her own feet and fallen to her knees in the middle of the pouring rain. She didn't even care that she was drenched or scraped, she just cried into her wet hands and sat on her feet. Cedric walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder, holding an umbrella over her head.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, rubbing her back slightly as he kneeled down with her. She didn't want to tell him what went on in her head but he was the only person she knew in this city. She caved in and told him everything.

"I used to live in England, it was a house of one of my friends." She wiped her nose and continued talking, barely able to not stutter. "I had just gotten over being cheated on and came back to the house. All was great then this guy, Draco, showed up. He used to go to school with me and he was always such a jerk. My friend's mom explained to me he was better and wasn't mean anymore. I didn't believe him and asked him how he convinced Molly to like him. He told me the whole story and I felt bad for asking him. Later on, he caught my ex boyfriend, my friend's brother, trying to abuse me. He helped me through it and we became pretty good friends afterwards. I explained to him what had happened with Ron, the previous and he actually was so mad, he beat Ron up. It was rather sweet, he even got this huge scar from it. I really thought he cared about me but then I caught him cheating on me with some girl named Lavender.. it only happened about a week ago. That's why I'm crying. I miss him a lot, he actually danced with me in the rain once. Even recorded himself singing Dancing In The Rain for me to listen to. I guess I'm just sensitive to the mention of rain now. I'm sorry, i know I'm over reacting and telling you more than you want to know. A normal waitress wouldn't reveal so much about herself.." her voice trailed off to nothing. The rain was still pouring and very loudly.

Cedric was hanging on every word that came out of Hermione's mouth. He really loved her, he'd only known her a week and he already wanted to know everything about her. He took her hand in his and smiled down at her. "No, thanks for telling me. I wanted to know and I don't like the normal waitresses, why do you think I always sit in your area?" Hermione smiled up at him.

"I assumed you sat there as some sort of tradition. You seem to sit in the same seat everytime. That one closest to the employees entrance, you always sit in that chair, you even pout when someone's already sat there. None of my other costumers do that. Most of the regulars get to go meals and don't bother sitting in the same seat while they wait, they just sit anywhere, some even wait outside." Hermione pointed out that Cedric was an odd customer and used her hands to emphasize certain things in her sentences.

"Well, I pride myself in being different from the rest. I find that seat is usually the warmest, its closer to the coffee and cookies. I can get whatever I want faster when I sit there. It's a convenience thing but that doesn't mean it's not a plus to see you there." He flirted with her a little at the end. She gave him another awkwardly short laugh, not really reacting.

She still wasn't over Draco. She was still receiving his daily letters. Today's had just come, she'd just left work, Draco had actually gotten the Weaselys another owl so one could rest while the other flew all the way to Italy from Britain.

"Dearest Hermione,

Work has been hell so far. I didn't return to it until today. I'd actually forgotten the little picture of you I'd put up. I seriously just cried in my office, I hope this letter is legible after that.

I still miss you, lots. I want you back here with me, holding me in your arms on your bed at the Burrow, or just anytime or anywhere in general. I miss the soft kisses you'd give me before I had to go to work, I miss the cute goodbyes, the tight hugs. You used to always tell me to be safe and get back home soon everytime I left the Burrow. Leaving this morning didn't feel right without it.

I've copied the picture for you to send in this letter. I hope it found you well. I love you, don't you ever forget it.

-Draco" the little picture fell from the letter as she opened it, she picked it up from the floor and brought her hand to her mouth. More tears rolled down her face, she really did miss him more than anything.

She knew the picture by heart

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She knew the picture by heart. George had walked in her room and found them taking a nap and snapped the picture. He thought it would be great to tease them with but they both loved the picture. Draco loved it more than she did, she knew this due to him framing it at his office the day after it was taken. Maybe he did love her.

No, she shook the thought from her head. She was here to get over him, not fall in love with him again. She left the photo on the counter, setting the letter on the refrigerator as usual. She couldn't help but notice how peaceful they looked in the picture, she wished she could have that again. She was so tired of being stressed and upset all of the time, she just wanted that peaceful, love-filled, feeling again.


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