33. Mettlesome Message

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Song: I Won't Give Up- Jason Mraz

Hermione woke up to small snores and pressure on her lower back and shoulder. She smiled and snuggled into the warmth beneath her. Her brain filled with the memories of the night before and she loved every second of it. Her only regret was being tired most of the day, she could've talked to him more had she not taken two naps along the way. She couldn't even begin to thank him for everything he'd bought and done. The dress was absolutely beautiful but so expensive and the gondola ride couldn't have been cheap for the time of day and a singing rower. The views were so gorgeous and he had been so loving, she would have to pay him back for it all one day.

She looked up to admire how cute he was in his sleep. The albino continued to snore as his head laid against his shoulder. His eyelids moved slightly and his nose scruntched up for a second. His arms held her tighter as his face continued to fidget. She took a hand from his chest to move hair from his face, grey eyes stared back at her within a second.

"Bad dream?" She asked him, letting her hand slide to his cheek. Draco slowly nodded, "How did you sleep, darling?" He loosened his grip and laid his head into a pillow, his neck was rather sore and it made him wince.

She looked concerned but still responded, "I slept like a rock. Do you want to talk about your night terrors?" She sat up more to better see his face.

"It really is stupid. My parents were yelling at me, saying how I'm a disappointment to our entire heritage, that I should be ashamed of myself. My father slapped and tortured me with crucio. My mother just laughed and watched me. My ancestors tried to carve 'Traitor' into my arm and that's when you woke me up. Like I said, rather stupid, I don't know why my brain makes up such nonsense." He was perfectly monotone as he held her, a soft stare into her eyes while there was no expression on his face. It was like he was stuck in thought and she was the thing he'd accidentally locked his vision to while he spaced out.

Her concern worsened, "Draco.. I really do think your parents' opinions are haunting your subconscious. It doesn't do you any good to dwell on their thoughts, perhaps we should visit them soon, maybe it could ease your mind." She pushed more of his hair back then let her hand fall to his chest. She could feel his heart beating fast through his shirt.

His gaze shifted from her to the wall but his head didn't move, "Hermione, it won't be so easy to just convince my parents to drop all their blood purity and be civil. It's been a week and they still haven't contacted me. Usually my mother would apologize and invite me back over by now. This time I've truly messed it up.. he said I'm not his son anymore.." his eyes closed as a frown formed on his lips.

"Draco, they still love you. They wouldn't just forget their only child, tear you from the family tree, and never say another word to you. That's inhumane." She moved to have her elbows on either side of his neck against the bed. This way he couldn't look away from her. Little curls fell off her shoulder to almost touch his face.

Sadness was apparent in his grey irises. They looked like storm clouds as he spoke to her, "Herms, you don't know my family all that well. They would love to burn my face off the tapestry and forget they ever had me. I could die and they would be the hap-" she cut him off with a kiss.

Pulling away she gave him a small smile, "Don't be talking about your death. Draco Malfoy will not be dying before he's twenty and he most certainly won't be dead before I am." He rolled his eyes, "You know i wasn't implying I want to die."

"I do know but, still, you shouldn't be thinking about that sort of thing. I know your mother still cares for you and acknowledges your existence. You should send her a patronus, let her know you miss and love them both." She tousled his hair with her right hand, her face staying neutral.

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