52. Finite Find

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Song: Scars to Your Beautiful- Alessia Cara

*Flashback Chapter*

Slughorn was always easy on the first day. Hermione, as Head Girl, was to restrain from answering questions. Draco looked at her in a way that said, "What in the hell happened to you?"

The teacher was getting a bit impatient, calling on a few students who shrugged or shied away. Draco gave in and raised his hand, five students later. Slughorn seemed to gulp, looking him up and down but eventually he overcame it. "Mr. Malfoy," he spoke quietly, gesturing his hand to invite the blonde up.

Draco smelled and admired the potion, "Its Babbling Beverage, sir." Hermione seemed to sigh in the relief of not having to hold it in anymore but she was obviously fighting her need to tell everyone what it did and how she could tell what it was.

"Can anyone tell me how Mr. Malfoy knew what it was?" Slughorn avoided complimenting the boy but he was the only one who raised his hand yet again. The old male sighed and waved in a way that said, "if it must be you."

"Babbling Beverage is red in color, most say it is blood shade but actually it is as bright as red can get without being pink. It causes the drinker to talk uncontrollably, spilling secrets but it is not like Veritaserum where it forces you to tell the truth. Most is utter nonsense and some unintelligible," Draco figured he already had no friends, being a know-it-all couldn't hurt him when he was already at rock bottom.

Slughorn seemed proud but the words sounded so much like Hermione that he smiled at her as though she'd said it instead. "Babbling Beverage is the least dangerous of many tru.."

The blonde had stopped listening a while ago, already knowing about the potion. He'd often get bored and browse the books of the library or steal them from housemates. Once, he'd found the seventh year potions book, he read the entire thing three times through. Everything Slughorn said was useless to him, a boy who'd grown up with a legendary potions master as his godfather.

He dozed off a little, being woken by Slughorn himself who tapped the desk but didn't meet Draco's eyes, "Repeat my last few sentences."

"I was not paying attention," Slughorn smirked at this but Draco continued, to his surprise. "But, based on how the rest of your layout has gone, you were listing ingredients. Which are, in order: Valerian Sprigs, Aconite, and Dittany.

"You would have likely asked why we think such ingredients are in a babbling potion to which, I'd have said I wondered if the Dittany was in it to heal a user's vocal cords after talking for so long without prompt. I'd have also wondered why an ingredient in both Sleeping Droughts and Forgetfulness Potions is in it. And lastly, I'd question why a deadly poison that's also know as Wolf's Bane is in the ingredients. They all seem like a rather lethal combination for what you called 'the least dangerous of truth telling potions' of which, I told you, professor, it was not grouped with as it does not promise truth, only talking."

Slughorn's face fell, still not meeting the eyes of the blonde. Hermione stared at Draco, he'd never been one to know all the facts and be able to recite them so easily, at least she never saw him as that person. To make fun of the professor was expected but to get all his facts right was a curve ball.

Draco looked back at her, worried he'd messed it up before he shook the thought and looked back to the teacher. Slughorn continued the lesson without bothering Draco again, knowing the student would be more challenging this year than he'd been the last.

The biggest change in all of Hogwarts was definitely the teachers. McGonagall as Headmistress, didn't teach transfiguration anymore. Instead it was taught by Ms. Grubbly-Plank. Everyone seemed to prefer her over Hagrid but to put her above McGonagall was a stretch most couldn't accomplish.

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