21. Secret Stealer

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Song: Little Do You Know- Alex & Sierra- Nightcore Cover

Hermione did her daily duties of cleaning up the little Café before going home. Cedric was still there and he was chatting with her about her past, as much as she hated it. Talking did help her get through the boring parts of the day but as soon as she got home, the waterworks would start again. She wanted to tell Cedric that it hurt her to talk about these things but she couldn't bring herself to tell him. He was so innocent and curious, all he wanted was to hear stories.

She sighed as he asked her to tell him a story. "What kind of story will it be today?" She asked him, looking up from wiping down a table. They were the only people left in the place.

"I wanna know more about this Drake dude, what's he like, how'd you find out he cheated, why did he fight the Weasel dude?" She let out a small laugh as Cedric called him Drake. She used to call him that, it always bothered him that she replaced the o in his name. She used to argue that she didn't like that her nickname sounded like flesh colored creatures who live in the earth's crust and eat dead things. They used to bicker about each other's weird little habits a lot, she missed the stupid little conversations.

She sighed again before beginning the story. "Well, he's kind of a brat, really. He never gets off his high horse, stands like he's king of the world. He thinks he's all brave and everyone loves his weird little personality." She let out a laugh, she was remembering how he'd gotten a paper cut and he'd asked her to kiss it better. "He was really sarcastic and took pride in being a Slytherin, it was a school house at the boarding school we attended. I was a Gryffindor which is like their rival house. In school he used to tease me all the time, he didn't prefer my parents being poor." Hermione wasn't actually poor but she couldn't tell a muggle that it was because her parents aren't magical. "He comes from a really rich family, they're all Blonde of course. Not even your color of blonde, lighter than that. Its practically white. It almost blends in with his skin tone because he's so pale." She scrubbed the table she was working on softly, she missed seeing his face so often. Whenever he blushed it was so obvious, his face pigment couldn't hold back the red color of his blood.

She skipped over his cheating question as she didn't want to think about it, she didn't need to cry in front of him again. "Draco fought Ron because Ron was being a pervert. I guess he was watching me find my clothes after I'd gotten out of the shower. Draco caught him and after already witnessing Ron try to touch me the week before, Draco couldn't handle it. They had a full on fist fight in the living room until Ron decided to get a knife and cut Draco. It was narley." Again, she had to keep changing the story for the muggle. That was one of the things she disliked about Cedric, she always had to hide things from him. "That scar goes from the right of his waist to his left shoulder and before it healed it was about a centimeter deep. He had to get stitches and it took him a while to heal. It happened a day after my birthday. Quite ridiculous. Poor Draco, Ron didn't have a scratch on him but his arm fell out of its socket when he fell against a table. It was a pretty brutal fight." She assumed she couldn't very well tell him Ron had fallen from the ceiling either and changed her story, again. Their fight sounded worse than it was when changed to be told without magic. Had muggles had Dittany, Cedric wouldn't look so horrified at the thought of such a large gash.

"How on earth is that guy still alive after such a cut? How'd you take him to the hospital so fast? Wouldn't he be bleeding out?" Cedric fired questions at her that she didn't want to answer.

"I guess he's just lucky. We tied some bandages around him as we were driving, he was bleeding a lot but he didn't lose enough to pass out. He was still fully coherent, he could even walk and move around. He may not have won that fight, he had a few bruises and cuts to show for it, but he was still stronger than Ron in other ways. Ron was curled up on the floor from being kicked in the gut and having his arm not in the right place. Draco just stood up and coughed a little after being cut twice and punched in the face. That man has some high pain tolerance." She had always admired how Draco could handle being playfully hit and getting in fights. It made her happy that she could tease him and feel protected around him. He could be cut in half but as long as he was still alive he would still fight for her. Hermione missed his strong arms being around her all the time, she missed him carrying her and not being able to get out of his grasp.

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