55. Merciless May

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Song: Imagine Dragons- Natural

Flashback Chapter

He hated that there was no classes today. People hung around their commons, reminisced in their bedrooms, loos filled with crying students. This year was a terror and all he wanted was silence but he could never get it.

Eventually, he didn't care if it was cold outside. Coming out of his curtained bed, he went to his trunk and got out his scarf, jumper, and a warm hat, hoping it'd be enough to handle the cold but he'd deal even if it wasn't. He would walk through a hail storm if it got him out of this school for a few hours.

Warm breath clouded his vision the moment he'd left the exit through the Great Hall. Now he had a decision to make, Quidditch pitch or Black Lake. He glanced back and forth, noticing a few shadows near the woods of the lake and picking the Quidditch field. It had been fully reconstructed after the last year, finally finished on November first.

The pitch wasn't much different from how it used to be though it was made of metal instead of wood now and officially the newest thing in Hogwarts since a painting of Dumbledore they'd hung up in the second floor hallway. The banners were all just the same, four pillars and many seats in between, each their own house colors, respectively.

Stepping inside the pitch, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. His shoulders relaxed and he closed his eyes a second, blinking a few times before he looked again. It was hard to believe the pitch was even real, he hadn't played the game in so many years now. He missed how calm fifth year was and he wondered if the Slytherins still had the brooms his father had gifted the school so many years ago.

It was like he had to know now, wandering off to the broom shed and looking up at the stands as he passed by. He sighed, stroking the Slytherin banners and avoiding the holes between metal rods just next to the connection between ground and bleachers. A memory made him smile, another one from second year where he had raced Harry Potter to the Golden Snitch and a roge bludger was on the loose.

The shed was locked as expected and he thought about using a handy charm he'd mastered but stealing was frowned upon, especially in his agreement with the school. He walked to stand in the middle of the pitch, watching his breath as he tilted his head up at the goals. Even though he had seen them a thousand times, they still surprised him with just how large they actually were. From far away, they looked no bigger than Hagrid's hut but up close, they were almost as tall as the school itself.

Blonde sections of hair hung partially in his face. He wanted to blow them out of the way but realized his scarf would be in the way before he even attempted. Taking a hand from his pocket, it felt like it instantly froze in the spring air as he pushed some longer locks behind his ear and shorter ones into his hat. A few of the lengthy strands fell right back where they were as he pocketed his hand again. He sighed and just accepted it would always be there, much like a certain stain would always be on his body, it would be there for as long as he didn't cut it off.

His breath warmed his scarf, letting off a bit of steam but most of it making the fabric damp. It made it that much warmer each exhale and that much colder each inhale. The sneakers he'd decided to wear were absorbing the slush of the melting snow and gathered rain, it soaked his socks and froze his feet.

"Malfoy!" He was startled at the sudden yell, wondering how someone could even recognize him with his forehead and mouth covered. Looking in the direction of the voice, he didn't recognize their face from so far away but they were just about running to him.

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