17. Dream Dazed

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Song: Sad Song- We The Kings

Draco had cried himself to sleep and once again, he didn't want to get up. He wished it wasn't the weekend right after this whole thing. Work could distract him, he could let out his sadness in his muffled office while he did paper work next to the picture he'd put up of him and Hermione messing around.

That picture would surely kill him the next morning, he sighed. He laid on his back and turned his head to look out the window. Of course it was still dark out and it was 5am. He'd had the nightmare like the first night without her, her leaving and the Weasleys killing him. He could care less about the Weasleys part but every time he watched her stab him and smirk as she left, it hurt more. He truly wanted her back, someone to hold, kiss, smile at.

He got up out of the bed, knowing if he didn't Molly would be up here scolding him. His face was still red and wet but he didn't care at this point. He went downstairs and breakfast wasn't even started, not a Weasley in sight. He went out in the back yard and sat on the porch, looking up at the stars that hadn't yet disappeared. The sun was coming up slowly, letting red hues escape into the blackness of the night sky. He absent-mindedly reached his left hand over as if he was grabbing something. He looked down at the cement he was sitting on, he'd wanted to hold her hand but she wasn't there..

He felt the first tear fall down his face, then many more. It was like light rain to the grass below him as he leaned his forehead into his hands, his elbows on his knees. He hated this feeling. He felt so weak and useless. It was worse than when he couldn't figure out the vanishing cabinet and thought he or his family would die that year. The hopes of her coming back had left him and it was only day two.

The sun was shining over the back yard of the burrow as 7 o'clock came around. Draco had just stopped weeping but little whimpers still left his mouth in small puffs of air. He could hear the Weasleys running around inside and knew that Molly must be awake and starting breakfast. He just stayed where he was.

Eventually, the door opened and like so many times before, a hand hit his shoulder. "Hey, breakfast is ready." Harry was talking to him this time. Draco just nodded though Harry could barely tell he even moved. Draco sat up, taking his face from his hands, and letting his arms lay against his thighs. His hands held themselves in-between his slightly spread legs. Harry came and sat next to him.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked him, looking towards Draco but not meeting his eyes. Draco saw this as the stupidest question to ask someone who looked as though they'd been crying. "How do you think I'm feeling?" He said with the tiniest hint of sass but mostly spoke with sadness. His eyes were bloodshot, his face stained pink, tiny salt crystals in his eyelashes and on his cheeks. He looked over at Harry to give him the full view of his face.

Harry met his eyes now, "not too well, Malfoy. Not too well. To be honest you look like a drowning sewer rat right now." Harry was trying to make Draco laugh but got no response to his comment. Draco stood up and went inside to attempt eating breakfast. His stomach growled at him but his mind said to starve himself.

There were loads of pancakes on the table and Molly told him have as many as he'd like. He put one on his plate, not putting any of the condiments on it. Molly had all sorts of things out, syrup, butter, every type of jam, and some miscellaneous nonsense too.

He picked up his dry pancake and took a bite out of it. As expected, flavorless, again. He couldn't help but notice Molly doing something in between flipping and stacking pancakes. She was writing a letter. Draco didn't pay attention to his food at all, he just watched Molly. She was now sealing the letter with a wax stamp. She brought it to Illume that also had a letter.

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