3. Dinner Designing

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Song: Chloe Adams- Love Yourself Cover- Justin Bieber

"Speak of the devil, hello Draco." Molly said to Draco as he entered the kitchen. He smirked at Hermione.

"Talking about me, were you?" he said still looking at her, his eyes drifted to her hands as she cut up the ham. He wondered if Hermione knew how to cook as well as Molly,
but he'd never know that, at least not while Hermione didn't like him. The thought made him frown slightly but
then he remembered he had people around him and smirked again. This smirk wasn't near as confident and collected as the last one, but it would
have to do.

Hermione let out a laugh as Draco suggested this. "That is what the phrase speak of the devil means." She teased him. Hermione began to place the ham onto a large platter as she finished cutting it. Once this finished, she began slicing the fruit and placing it on a separate tray. Molly smiled at Draco endearingly "Actually, we were." Molly gave Draco a motherly smile that said 'I know what you're thinking Draco.' Molly made sure Draco knew that she knew
before she continued talking. "We were just talking about how Hermione was wanting to go on a date with someone, but didn't have any one to go with." Molly winked at Draco
suggestively. Hermione's
head shot up at Molly. "What?!" Hermione looked
mortified "We most certainly
were not!" She shook her
head but Molly cut her off,
"Oh Hermione don't be silly. Draco is a sweetheart, he doesn't mind this talk."
Hermione looked like a fish
out of water not knowing
what to say. She looked at Molly realizing what she was
doing. She nodded her head
and a laugh crossed her mouth. "Molly you should have been a Slytherin... you are sly," she smiled lightly. Hermione took a knife and tried to cut the watermelon but the shell was too thick and she was too weak.

"Draco will you cut the
watermelon for me? I can't,"
she said a bit embarrassed
but placed the knife on the
counter for him.

Draco had a confused grin on his face. How could the smartest witch of her age not know how to cut things with magic? "Um yeah. Have you never cut something with magic
before? Look I'll show you. Take your wand, I know crazy first step" he let out a laugh, pulling his wand from
his pocket, he hoped she wouldn't notice how hard he was trying to make her like him. Hopefully that joke would get him on her good side.
"Just like with levitation you're going to swish and flick. The incantation
is different though. Its 'Conscidisti'. here try it out its rather easy, just
don't aim at anything but that melon. It'd be rather disturbing for you to cut off my finger." He stood behind
her and held her wand hand in his, he demonstrated how to do the swish and flick and how to aim at what you needed to cut. "I know you enjoy doing things the muggle way but I figure that when doing things that
way are too hard, why not teach you how to do it magically." He said, he smiled down at her as he was almost
a foot taller than her. He had a slight blush on his cheeks realizing he still held her hand, he let go immediately
and scratched his neck, ignoring the bubbly feeling in his stomach and the fast beating of his heart.

Hermione smiled at him as
he taught her. "Why didn't I
think of that?!" she blushed
as she pointed at the melon
and said "Conscidisti", the
melon immediately not only
slices into two, but sliced
into a bunch of pieces.
Hermione smiled joyfully at
the new spell she learned.
"I've never even read about
that one in a book..." she
whispered, such a classic
bookworm thing to say. "Did your mother teach you this?" she questioned.

"If you count Molly as my mother, then yes." Draco said smiling at Mrs. Weasley who blushed and shushed him.

"I wonder if this is one of
those spells you learn from
your parents when you're
young." she said curiously.

"I'd like to think so" he said watching her work. She finished slicing the rest
of the fruit with the spell.

Finally, Molly and Hermione
finished cooking. They placed the food out on the dining room table so everybody could pick what they liked.

Everyone filed into the room
and sat down in their seats.
Molly and Hermione were the last standing. There were two seats left open, one next to Ron and one next to Draco.

Ron beamed up at
Hermione "Come sit with
me, babe." Ron winked at
Hermione and patted the
chair next to him. The whole Weasley family and Harry had their eyes on Hermione. All knowing how she despised Ron. Draco was the only clueless one in the room.

Hermione glared at Ron. "I
most certainly will not, and
do not call me that name,"
she stated firmly as she walked over to the seat next
to Draco and sat down. The whole Weasley clan sat in an awkward silence as the two had their dispute. Hermione smiled at everyone, "Are you guys ready to eat?" She smiled.

Harry was the one to break
the silence next, "Sure am,
I'm starving!" She began piling food onto his plate.
Once he did this, so did the
rest of the group.


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