14. Lavender Leaving

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Song: All I Ever Wanted- Basshunter

Draco woke up in pain, he groaned and held onto his chest. The woman supporting his head seemed to realize he was awake.

Hermione smiled as she comforted Draco and helped him sit up. It hurt his whole body to move and he bit his lip to keep any noise from exiting his mouth. Everything was sore, he could see himself in the mirror on Hermione's dresser. The bruise was definitely there today, a light shade of purple with hints of yellow.

He looked up at Hermione as she gave him some type of muggle pain reliever. He took it and drank some water afterward. Looking at Hermione's face, she looked slightly off. There was a bruise on her mouth. "Herms, what's this?" He reached his hand up and touched her lip with his thumb. She moved his hand away and blushed.

"Umm.. let's just say you got too excited when we were kissing the other day.." She smiled sheepishly.

Draco was surpised with himself, "Oh, I'm sorry for that Herms. Do you need help covering it up?" She shook her head and put on a simple concealment charm. "See? All fixed," she smiled at him.

It was early in the morning, around elevenish. Molly had just finished making breakfast for everyone, she set it on the table outside and everyone lined up. Including the new guest... Lavender Brown.

Hermione shot her a glare. "Mrs. Weasley, who invited her?" Hermione asked, her voice laced in sugar. Mrs. Weasley gulped awkwardly, “Ron did, actually."

Hermione scoffed, "Figures," she sat down and pulled Draco down with her as they sat at the table. Lavender glared at Hermione, "Hey hey hey now. It is most certainly not my fault Won-Won wanted me more, Hermione." She taunted Hermione in a sing song voice. Hermione scoffed, "OH PLEASE!" She gave Lavender a look and if looks could kill... Lavender would have died ten times.

Lavender sat down on the other side of Draco and Hermione tightly squeezed Draco's hand. A look of anger washed over her. How dare Lavender just walk back into her life and everyone be okay with it? Did nobody care about her feelings?

Hermione decided to speak out. "Don't any of you care about how I feel? Don't you realize how much I hate this woman? She ruined my life. I was perfectly happy before she ruined everything... and you all invite her here. Not giving a damn about me.
None of you reached out to me when he hurt me." She said, referring to Ron, a hurt
tone in her voice. She shook her head,"He hurt me... none of you even asked me how I have been dealing with it. Nobody supported me. I'm disgusted with all of you, don't any of you dare tell me you care about me. Don't any of you DARE ask how I am now. I don't want your pity. You guys brought her here, knowing full well what it would do to me." Tears formed in her eyes, she had not even noticed that she stood up as she raged at them. She was shaking as she took out her anger and told them all how she felt.

"Hermione..." Mr. Weasley started, "Are you oka-"

"Oh my... I'm so so-" George began, Molly gave her a sad look.

"B-but-," Harry stuttered.

Lavender just sat back smirking at the fuming girl, laughing at what she had caused.

Hermione's eyes went wide "DONT YOU DARE LAUGH. YOU DISGUST ME THE MOST!" She yelled and reached over, smacking Lavender in the face. Hermione stood up and threw her napkin on the ground and stormed into the house. All the while Ron just stared. Suddenly he chuckled, "Damn witch needs to get over it. It's been months," he muttered under his breath as if they were never in love or engaged.

Draco was a bit shocked that Hermione was lashing out. He didn't say anything to the rest but pointed at Ron with two fingers. His fingers pointed right at Ron's eyes then back to Draco's own. He then ran to find Hermione, she was on the couch again. He sat
next to her, pulling her into a hug and kissing her head. He rubbed her back lightly. "Shhh, it's going to be okay. I'm here now. You're safe, they can't do anything to hurt you." He layed his head against hers and looked out the back window. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their food as though nothing just happened, except one. Molly looked towards the house clearly upset. As much as he wanted to yell at her for ignoring how Hermione felt, her sad eyes seemed to remove all his anger towards the motherly woman. He closed his eyes to get her out of his head and held Hermione a bit tighter. "Sweetheart, we can leave here anytime, if it's what you want I will buy the first house I find and we can move in immediately. I don't want you getting hurt worse than you already are."

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