42. Ironic Interview

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Song: The Lazy Song- Bruno Mars


Shoutout: Thanks IprEsUmEe for the help on this chapter. Do check out their stories, they're so beautifully written and mysterious. Give them a follow even, you won't regret it.


"Hello Mr. Malfoy. Lovely day out, is it not?"

Draco felt a little awkward seeing someone he hadn't even thought of in years, but welcomed Luna into his office. "Hello Ms Lovegood," it took him a second to look out the window, waking up early caused him to not notice the weather that morning. "It is positively beautiful outdoors. Not a single ugly day in Castello, its magnificent even whilst raining."

He looked back at her to realize he'd started a tangent, fixing his tie he got back on topic. "So, let's get this started, shall we? Have a seat if you wish." He motioned to a chair on the opposite side of his desk before gingerly sitting down himself, crossing his legs and leaning back to attempt keeping a calm aura while inside he was a ball of nerves.

Luna, perhaps it is simply her personality but she had also looked out the window on that detour. She carried an enchanted quill that wrote fast while they talked, however it is different from that old beetle Skeeter's quill.

"I must say, I have never been to Castello, so I wouldn't know." She sat down in the seat opposite him and began her spiel, "I came here today to ask some on your business. Would you kindly tell us what you do?"

He was a little confused as her reason for coming didn't match his understanding of her arrival but he chose to stay silent about it. "Well as you most likely know, I set up Malfoy Inc during my last year of schooling at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Its designed to make many types of potions and to disenchant the many dark objects brought up by the war. The potions team mostly makes pepper-up, skele gro, and blood replenishers." He held his hands together, awkwardly sliding them against one another and glancing around the room, striving for a distraction from his emotions.

"I see. A business that is needed nowadays. Not just for  after the war but items are cursed often by young witches and wizards seeking to play pranks nowadays. I suspect you are very successful..." She cleared her throat, though her calm, ditzy quality didn't cease.

"Decently," he said, withholding the want to say his workers had been causing problems as of late.

"As you know Mr. Malfoy, the Quibbler also has a social aspect to it and though we don't like spreading rumors and we don't necessarily gossip, there have been some things said about you, Mr. Malfoy and as long as you don't mind me asking, I would like to ask... you and a witch, I withhold her name for now... is there something happening between you?" Luna spoke slowly, meeting his eyes in a rare occasion.

He shifted to sit up a bit more, gulping as he knew this would be where the interview got weird. "She's my girlfriend if that's what you're implying."  Draco was wishing he'd begged Hermione to come at this point.

"Oh, lovely! Just lovely to hear." She smiled in that dreamy way and her eyes wandered around the room, leaving it at that, and continuing to ask about what kind of items they antidoted and whatnot.

Confused again, he blinked a lot before shaking his head and meeting her wandering eyes. "Weirdly enough, mostly jewelry and, for some reason, half of it is all sorts of animal claw necklaces."

"It's a shame they'd waste all those. There are better uses for them than curses." She gestured to her fashionable falcon claw earrings.

He didn't really believe it but he nodded. "So um, do you have other questions, Ms Lovegood?" "Do you plan on expanding your business to other areas of magical service? Such as affiliating with the ministry and widening your range?"

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