37. Repulsive Reporters

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Song: Under The Bridge- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Hermione was amazed, to say the least, when her alarm went off but Draco was still there. His head laid on her stomach as usual and his arms were tight around her waist. She shook him lightly, "Drake, you're gonna be late to work." He held her closer. "Draco, come on, wake up." His head tilted downward. "Draco, please. Let's go, I need to get ready." He made an almost silent grunt.

"Sweetheart, I really need to get going," she pet his hair as she pleaded. He sounded like a child as he responded, "Noooooooo." He shifted to lay just below her collar bone. "Drake, you're going to be way late if you don't get up."

"I'm not going," he said bluntly in a husky voice, "I don't wanna." Hermione rolled her eyes, "And why do I have to stay home?"

"Because I want you to," he finally opened his eyes and looked up at her, only seeing her chin and hair. She shook her head, "I need to go to work, I'm gonna be late if I don't get up now." He cuddled closer, "No."

"I don't believe I asked your opinion. Get off of me so I can get up." She pushed at his shoulders but he wouldn't budge, "Why are you avoiding work? Don't you have another meeting today?"

Draco still wouldn't move an inch, not even a millimeter, "I just don't want to go. I can reschedule the meeting, its just one of my buyers." She resorted to trying to climb out from under him but, when she could sit up, his arms tightened around her waist.

"That sounds like one you shouldn't skip out on if they're coming this far out of their way. Please, let go of me, I have five minutes before I need to start walking." She pleaded with the sleepy man who had his head in her lap. "Just apparate behind the Café. I'm not done snuggling you yet."

She pet his head, coming up with something sly, "If you let go now, I'll cuddle you all you want tonight." He scooted closer, "You'll do that either way." She sighed, knowing he was right.

She hoped that, if she moved her feet a little, she could slide him down enough to escape. He lifted his upper body with palms flat against the bed, his face close to hers. "Drake, please," she gave him puppy dog eyes. He glared at her before kissing her tenderly. When they'd pulled away, he rolled off of her, a large sigh leaving his mouth. "Fiiiinnneee."

She giggled as she got up to get dressed, only having ten minutes till work started. "You still didn't answer my question. Why don't you want to go to work? Do not say you're just lazy, we both know you can't stand doing nothing all day." She picked through the bit of clothing she had, finding some jeans and a t-shirt.

He groaned, "I just don't." Draco buried his face in a pillow, laying on his stomach again. "There's more to it than that," she said matter-of-factly.

"I know Kate has went and blabbed to the Paper or her gossip group. I don't want to deal with it, I can already hear the judgment." He turned his head so he wasn't muffled, closing his eyes as he knew Hermione was getting ready.

She huffed, "You embarrassed they found out I'm dating you or something? That's rather shallow, Drake." He turned and sat up to look her in the eyes, "That is not what I meant at all."

She glared at him, folding her arms over her chest, "Then what is it that she could've possibly said that would make you not want to work so badly?" He lost his composure, "That prat, Andrew noticed my dark mark yesterday. All of Italy is going to know I was a Death Eater. I thought people were smart enough to research the job they were getting into but no. No one here keeps in touch with The Daily Prophet, no one had any idea who I was, I was a free man." He kept a hand on his chest as he spoke.

His words prompted her to come back over and give him a hug, one he didn't return. "Don't pity me, Herms." She gave him a sad glance, "I'm not, it sucks that you have to go through with this but it's not like it wouldn't have happened sooner or later." She caressed his cheek before getting up to continue changing.

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