53. Fear Fabricated

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Song: Mr. Blue Sky- Electric Light Orchestra

April was slowly turning to May and too soon it was the second. Too soon it was the day everyone dreaded.

It'd only been two years since that day and it showed. All wizarding employers had canceled work that day, including Draco. Aurors were the only ones allowed to even step foot in their work place and that was just to keep down the crimes that came about every anniversary. Harry never seemed to know what to do on the day, he was lost in thought as he wandered the house.

James cried from a nearby room, startling his father into action. Maybe this is what I need today, this is who I need today. Harry often wished he still had someone in his life to talk to, Ginny and the Weasleys were great but there was only so much Arthur could say before going miles from the subject and focusing on muggles. Ginny had been through similar experiences, being possessed by Lord Voldemort in her first year and Harry in his fifth. But it still wasn't quite the same as sacrificing himself to a killer, not knowing if he would solve the war or end the lives of his best friends.

Picking up his son, the baby immediately stopped fussing, as if all he wanted was to be held. Harry smiled at this, bouncing James lightly in his arms. "He's your pride and joy, isn't he?"

Harry turned to see his wife giving a weak smile as she entered the room. "Of course he is, best thing I ever accomplished," he kissed her cheek, grinning down at James who laid peacefully swaddled in an old green blanket. "Only you would be a war hero and still call your son your best accomplishment," she rolled her eyes, grasping the upper rim of James's cot as she peered at her boys.

Sighing, his face relaxed to be a miniscule smile, only the little up turn at the left of his mouth showed his emotions. "Are you prouder of him or your Quidditch team?"

She bit her lip, knowing exactly what he meant. "That's what I thought," Harry smirked, his green eyes seeming to have a shimmer through his glasses.

The Granger-Malfoy household was having a lot less fun this morning. Many people after the news reports had taken it upon themselves to find out where Draco lived. The knocks and shouts didn't seem like they'd end anytime soon, starting at eight and still going strong at noon. He'd gotten up early and hid himself away, thinking Hermione didn't need to see him like this.

He hated the second of May. The worst day of the year and it wasn't even on the day he tried to kill Albus Dumbledore. He hated it because it was the day his classmates all watched him go to the dark side, reluctantly. He hated that that memory was what everyone thought of when they heard his name, he'd have preferred being called ferret his entire life over a Death Eater for a day.

Hermione did eventually find Draco, calling his name got nothing but pulling back the shower curtain, she found his blonde hair at the bottom of the bathtub. "Drake, what are you in here for?" She sat on the edge and pet his head.

He moved from her hand. "Draco," she sighed, "I'm not mad at you. It doesn't matter what day it is, I don't see you any different."

"They do.." he didn't meet her eyes but she forced him to face her. "Since when do you care what other people think?"

Biting his lip, he stared at her knee, "I have always cared... I just got good at hiding it.." She kissed his forehead, "What am I going to do with you?"

"Kiss me and call me a good boy like you always do," she snickered at his comment. "You aren't wrong but come on. Get up, let's go have some breakfast, clear your head."

He smiled weakly, "This war stuff, it never seems to bother you. Why? You lost people in it, people you knew well. How are you still so bubbly?"

"I'm not, I'm just good at hiding it," she smirked, standing up and holding out a hand to help him up. He shook his head as he stood, almost falling over as she pulled his face down to kiss him.

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