Change of Heart

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Author's POV

One month later....

Grandpa's health was improved a lot he slowly turned to be active and normal as before. Surya was busy with family and business both together. He couldn't spend much time with Vanaa but she was in his mind ever. Still he was not clear about his relationship with Vanaa, he didn't realise his love, but he felt some connection with her so, he didn't want to leave her and send her back at any cost. Whenever he tried to move a step ahead in their relationship Vanaa went two steps back to stop anything between them.

Vanaa didn't think much about her love with Surya, now she determined to find Sanaa and leave him as she decided before. So she maintained her distance and didn't talk much with Surya until unless if it was needed. She started to search Sanaa secretly with the help of her brother Gowtham, he was the one whom she decided to meet at the mall longtime back. They were trying all the possible ways to locate Sanaa.

Today the whole house was decorated with different flowers, the entire family was gathered together and getting ready to welcome some important guest. It was like a kind of preparation for an another wedding.

Everyone in the family was getting ready for the engagement ceremony but Surya was searching for someone and thinking how this marriage was fixed all of a sudden.



Surya's POV

A family friend and business client from our business circle were ready to marry Aathira for their only son, they saw Aathira in my marriage and they were very much impressed with her. The groom's family was also a big like our family, so almost everything was finalized.

They arranged for a formal meeting between the families to fix the engagement and wedding dates. Everyone in the family seems to be happy about this marriage, but except one it was none other than my sister and the bride Aathira. She was totally out of the world she didn't speak a lot like usual, she looked dull and unhappy but hid her emotions from her family and acted like she was happy. Even I failed to notice her worry but Vanaa did it.

Initially Vanaa didn't realise these changes in Aathira slowly she noticed her change of act and found out her unhappy side. She asked Aathira about the reason of her sorrow.

"Aathi is everything alright??? " asked Vanaa.

" Hmm... yeah Anni I'm alright" said Aathira.

" Then why are you not happy about your own marriage??? " Vanaa questioned Aathira.

Aathira was speechless she was shocked and hesitate to reply Vanaa.

" Tell me Aathi didn't you like this marriage or groom??" Asked Vanaa directly.

Aathira started to cry profusely on Vanaa's lap. Vanaa was panicked, she caressed her head and asked her again.

"It's ok Aathi... Don't cry, tell me the truth I will be with you" said Vanaa.

Aathira didn't stop crying however Vanaa tried hard she couldn't console Aathira.

With a deep thought Vanaa asked
" Do you love someone???". Aathira stopped crying for a while and nodded her head as an anticipation. Vanaa was stunned with her confession but she comforted Aathira.

" Who was that Aathira??" Asked Vanaa, already she guessed someone in her mind. Hesitatingly Athira replied a name, Vanaa was not surprised instead she was happy for Aathira, actually her guess was correct.

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