Vanaa's Vow

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Vanaa was traveling in a car silently shedding her tears, she was heartbroken thinking about Surya's behaviour after Sanaa's arrival. She felt dejected after her so many efforts, still he didn't value her love and ready to divorce her for Sanaa.

All their sweet memories after their first meet, their marriage, their romantic moments, and their consummation flashed in her mind mercilessly. She cried miserably by recollecting all her moments with Surya.

After a day of travel, during the night time she went to her Aunt's house which was far from her parents house.  Her Aunty was close to her after her mother, they were surprised to see Vanaa at their doorstep. She didn't tell them anything instead hugged her Aunty and cried on her lap.

After seeing her broken completely her uncle sensed something wrong he tried to inform Vanaa's father about her sudden visit. But he was stopped by her and requested him to not to inform her family about her, she added she didn't want to see any of them right now, if they call them she said she will go somewhere else.

Her Aunty and uncle were perplexed at her request but they accepted timely to make her stay there instead of going somewhere else. She told them everything happened after her marriage and how she was betrayed by her husband and sister. Then they asked her to take rest and made her sleep.

Next day early morning her uncle called her family and informed them about her whereabouts. Her father was relaxed knowing that she was with her Aunty, he requested them to keep her safely there until they reach.

After few hours of travel they reached her aunt's home. Whole family got emotional seeing Vanaa there, she was also very emotional and broken seeing her family. All the family members share some moments together.

Later Vanaa blamed herself for believing Surya, she said she lost hope in her marriage, she don't want to be with him anymore and cried miserably on her mother's lap. Her father and grandfather felt guilty for pushing her in this marriage, they both asked her to forgive them, also try to forget Surya and move on in her life, they said they all will be with her. Gowtham felt bad for her sister, he knew how much she love Surya. How difficult will be for her to forget him??

Gowtham asked her to not to loose her  hope so soon, he also explained what happened at Surya's home and how Surya sent Sanaa behind bars. Vanaa was stunned to hear everything from her brother, she can't believe it.

Her mother said, " Vanaa, maybe Surya was not so bad as we all thought. Don't think angrily, give some time and decide because your sister Sanaa was the main culprit". Vanaa became thoughtful.

Her father asked all the family members to leave her alone for sometime then she will decide her life. He also said tomorrow all will return to their home with Vanaa. As he said they all gave space to Vanaa and left her alone. Vanaa started to rethink about Gowtham' s words. She cried over and over, and unable to believe what Surya did.


Surya went to his room and saw a box wrapped with gift wrapper, he picked it and realised it was from Vanaa. Impatiently he started to unwrap it, and stunned to see her gift.

It was a pencil sketch of their first meeting, Vanaa fell on Surya's arms at that old fort. Surya's vision blurred with tears, his fingers trembled seeing that. Shiva noticed his facial changes and checked that sketch. He was also surprised to see that. Below that sketch Vanaa written few lines, they are

" Everything started here, now it ends here.  You broke my heart and trust. Goodbye"

Surya read the lines and cried sitting on the floor. He held himself responsible for all the mishaps, he felt ashamed to face Vanaa.
Shiva consoled him and encouraged him to meet Vanaa soon and explain her about his plans to trap Sanna.

" Surya, you didn't listen to me before, atleast now you do that. If you delay then each and every you are going far from Vanaa" said Shiva. Surya gets tensed.

Immediately he called someone and found the details of where Vanaa's family went. He told everything to Shiva and rushed down to drive towards Vanaa but, he was stopped by his family. They all requested him to stay back for some more time because of Aathira's wedding. That same day within few hours, Aathira has to marry Sudhir, so he need to stay back as a brother. He was bounded by his family and responsibilities.

His family members explained him it was only a matter of few hours, then they all will come along with him to bring back Vanaa,he had to accept without a choice. But he felt twitched, he felt something bad gonna happen to him.


" Vanaa, have you decided??" Asked Gowtham worried.

" Yes Anna...I decided... I'm done with him, I  want to break this fake marriage" said Vanna firmly.

Gowtham looked shocked, he asked
"Vanaa are you sure??"

Vanaa smiled bitterly and said,
"Anna though I love him sincerely,  he don't value me, he doesn't love me, he framed Sanaa because he can't tolerate cheat. It doesn't mean he love me and did that for me, even if he say so, I won't trust him again blindly "

"Whatever efforts he does to find me will be only for his family sake, because he would be worried about his family reputation. He would be afraid what if something bad happens with me?? His family name will get affected, because as a legal husband he would get blamed, right?? That's why he searched for me with you all.  Before coming here you all told him that you found my place and I'm safe somewhere, so he was relaxed and not bothered about me"

With a deep sigh Vanaa said bitterly,
" Today Aathira's wedding he will be enjoying that moment with his family right now. That's why he was not much bothered to find me or talk with me. Let him be like that leave it Anna, now I want to go away from him. It's better if he don't come to see me. Let's finish it once and all" . Everyone looked worried about Vanaa.

Her father said with a guilty,
" We did a mistake once by pressuring you, this time we won't repeat that. Let's file for a divorce and I want to see my daughter  getting free from that hell and live a peaceful life"

" I won't go back to him forever " vowed Vanaa to her family.

Vanaa hugged her father and sobbed on his shoulders. Later all the family members conveyed their gratitude to Vanaa's uncle and aunt, soon after they all started from there to come back to their home.


Simultaneously Surya felt restless thinking about Vanaa, he was eagerly waiting for Aathira's marriage to get completed. He was yearning to see his lady love and get her forgiveness. He dreamed about starting a happy love life with Vanaa.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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