Love Proposal

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Author's POV

"I Love you Vanaa" said Surya.
Vanaa looked at his face surprisingly. She can't believe what she heard, instantly she pinched herself and confirmed it was not a dream but in real. Surya smiled wider seeing her childish act.

He said " Vanaa you are not dreaming, whatever you heard was true. I don't know when did it happened and how it happened. But I fell in love with you". Vanaa was speechless she looks happy, unknowingly she shed a few droplets of tears

Surya wiped it and said, " I know I did hurt you a lot but I'm really sorry for all my misbehavior. It was all because of some misunderstanding. Now I really want to start fresh with you. Will you accept me??"

Vanaa who was stunned with so many surprises today, who was already emotionally broken down at this point, without a further delay she went in Surya's arms to find a solace.

They both embraced each other, they were not aware how long they were in their embrace, but they didn't speak a word there was no sign of any other emotions other than pure love. Sometimes love doesn't need any conversation it only needs silent understanding. That was what happened between them.

" I too love you Surya" after a while Vanaa broke her silence with her proposal.

Surya smiled whole heartedly and hugged her more tightly than before, his hands were caressing her delicate body softly. The moon light, the chill breeze, the fresh flowers fragrance and the cool ambiance took them both to the different world.

After a while Vanaa had returned from her dream world only by hearing a bird's chirping sound nearby there. Slowly she detangled from his hug and moved little away from him with shy. She stood at the edge of the balcony, she knew well his eyes were only on her, she felt nervous and she pretend to watch the beauty of that place. Ofcourse that place looks so beautiful in that chill mid night, but for Vanaa only thing she could see or feel was Surya. As for any person it would be really very special to get loved by our loved ones. Vanaa, always dreamt of this time with her Surya, but sometimes she felt her dream would never turn to real, but fortunately it happened to her.

Surya hugged her from her behind, then gently he pressed his face between her neck and shoulder blades, she became more nervous.
He kissed her shoulders, gently turned her to his side and pulled her closer to him. By his sudden pull she fell on his chest by loosing her balance. Vanaa was in same position she was not dared to look at his eyes, she closed her eyes and silently listened to his heart beat, which was beating like he was running in a competition. Vanaa felt content seeing her impact on him, she tilted her head and looked at his face. He closed his eyes, his lips were raised up to a pleasant smile, his arms were holding her waist tightly as well as gently.

Vanaa was on cloud nine thinking about his love proposal for her. Gradually she tip toed her foot and pressed her lips on his cheek she marked her first kiss. While her warm lips kisses him, he opened his eyes and looked at her with so much love.

She blushed immensely and tried to hide her face from him. But this time he didn't let her hide her face or walk away from him. Instead he cupped her face in his palms and started to kiss her endlessly.  He stopped only they were short of breathe, he just passed for a moment and continue kissing her, she too anticipated.

Vanaa thought to speak with him for some more time, she wants to tell him all about herself, she wants to talk with him about their first meet, her love for him, their marriage and everything about them. She wants to know whether still he remember it or not. But nothing happened she couldn't raise her voice, she was completely blank when he was around her. Ofcourse Surya too, they both were in different world.

Gently Surya carried Vanna in his arms and went inside the house. He went to the bedroom, which was already decorated with flowers and its fragrance. He placed her carefully on the decorated bed and inched closer to her. His arms tightened on her waist, his giant body encircled her tinder body, he started to kiss her neck. She closed her eyes shyly, and pulled his shirt while he does kissing. Atlast he asked her permission and assured that she too wants to start their marital life. He turned off the lights, pulled out the curtains and placed her between his arms. Now they both  happily consummated their marriage.

To be continued...


Hey Guys!!!

I'm very sorry for the delayed update. Nowadays I'm trying hard to update but still I'm lacking. Kindly excuse me for that.

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Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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