Vanaa's Burst Out

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Author's POV

Vanaa fell on Surya's arms loosing her conscious. He was shocked to see her in such state, he felt guilty for treating her violently. Immediately he rushed with her to the nearby sofa and made her lye down on that gently. By the time all family members who were in shock rushed near them and the crowd were started to whisper among themselves seeing that new bride passed out. Surya patted her cheeks and tried to wake her up.

Sudhir brought water bottle and thrusted it in Surya's hands fiercely. It was noticed by Surya but he remained silent. He sprinkled water on her face, slowly she opened her eyes with some difficulty.

She looked around the surroundings, saw everyone's confused and panicked face finally her eyes stopped at Surya. Soon after she realised what happened a while ago, she felt pain in her heart. Little she felt awkward because of the crowd and tried to get up with much difficulty, her head was heavy finally she stood firmly ignoring Surya's hand.

Surya's grandfather apologized the guests for the inconveniences and asked them to continue enjoying the party.

" Our house daughter in law was tired and weak with so many post wedding rituals so she might fainted. We prefer her to take rest now so she will be not able to continue with us. I request you all to excuse, let her go home and take rest" said grandfather with folded hands. The crowd were all relaxed and started to enjoy the party.

"Wait a minute, they won the competition so let them have their rewards" , said one of the guests.

All this time Vanaa didn't raise her head and looked at Surya, he too noticed that. He felt bad closed his fist and controlled his emotions.

Bhanumathi, Surya's mother said loudly,
" No its not needed we will collect their rewards, my daughter in law is very weak so let her go home". She smirked at Vanaa.

Grandmother noticed her and said " It's ok, it will take just five minutes let them get their first reward as a couple".

Bhanumathi tried to open her mouth but her mother in law gave her a stern look. Her husband Mr. Ram Pratap also silently warned her to not to create a scene.Which forced her to shut her mouth.

Shortly Surya and Vanaa were crowned by Surya's grandparents. Everyone seems to be happy except Surya's mother. All the guests wished them for their victory, but Vanaa was fuming inside She knew clearly that Surya deliberately hurt her while dancing. Can he cross any extent to win??

The whole family went aside from the party to discuss something important.
"Surya you can take her home and ask her to rest. We will wind up the party and will come home. Then I will talk with you" said grandfather firmly.

Surya was frowned and guessed what it could be. So he nodded his head immediately and took a step towards Vanaa. But he was stopped by her,
she said "It's ok grandpa I will manage alone, let him stay with you all till the end".

Everyone noticed her unpleasant behaviour and anger towards Surya.
" No Vanaa you are weak so we can't let you alone" said Grandma with a real concern.

Vanaa's heart was melted but she was not ready to go with her husband.
"Aathira, if possible can you accompany with me to home??" Asked Vanaa.

Aathira was confused and looked at her brother Surya, who was standing with a guilt. He bowed his head down and with a knot between his brows. She understood the situation so couldn't deny her SIl request, she agreed helplessly.

Parvathi , Aathira's mother interrupted and said , " It's not safe to travel alone this time. So you both take Shiv with you". Vanaa and Aathira nodded and turned towards the exit. Shiv also agreed and moved along with them. Something pricked in Surya's heart knowing that she hesitates to come with him.

"I will take her home, none will come with us, Shiv and Aathira will stay back here it's final" said Surya sternly. His eyes turned red in anger. Vanaa was burning inside on top of rage. She wanted to refuse but before that...

He lifted Vanaa with his arms and took her to the car, she tried her to resist him but went in vein. He put her carefully on the passenger seat and fixed her seat belt. He settled in driver seat and left in his car.

Grandpa and grandma felt content and smiled secretly with eachother. Everyone went to continue with the party, Surya's mother fumed in anger. She hate Vanaa and can't digest the fact that she is her DIL. She initially hates Sanaa but acted to accept her only for her son but, now she felt it difficult to accept Vanna.

In the car journey Vanaa didn't look at him and looked outside to control her temper. She knew if she fight and provoke him it would be worst for her family. She realised his gaze fell on her sometimes but she ignored that and pushed her head on the seat and closed her eyes, shortly she slept.

Surya was noticing her once in every minute, he knew she was not well and it was because of him. He tried to strike a conversation with her, he made himself ready to talk with her. But when he saw she slept, he didn't disturb her and drive the car silently.

After sometimes they reach home, he parked the car and waited for her to wakeup, but she didn't. She looked damn tired, so he decided to carry her to room without waking up or disturbing her. Slowly he removed the seat belt and picked her in his arms and started to move forward.

However he tried within few steps she woke up and shocked to see him holding her. Immediately she jerked away from him and used her full strength to push him away. With her sudden act he lost balance moved back few steps and stood firmly, he threw an angry gaze at her. But she ignored that and walked inside.

She turned back and said bitterly,
" Enough Mr. Surya Pratap, come out of your character, none is here except us. So better stop acting your lovely husband role. I know you hurt me deliberately to win the competition. I never expected you to be so cheap to hurt a helpless woman". Said Vanaa with a teary eyes and ran to her room. Surya was shocked at her outburst and rubbed his neck in frustration.

He didn't want to win the game by hurting or pushing her violently it was her negligence, due to that he lost his temper but he can't tell her the truth because, even he didn't realise it. Still he couldn't figure out why he was restless at the party. First time after their marriage he was hurt seeing her hate for him. He didn't understand why but he wantst to explain her and clear the misunderstandings. He was very much angry and rushed to their room to talk with her regarding this but she slept on his bed peacefully before he step in.

His anger faded seeing her as sleeping beauty, he did fresh up changed into night dress and occupied the couch to get some sleep. But he was lost seeing his gorgeous wife sleeping on his bed like an angel. She didn't change her dress and slept with that, in that night lamp she looked extremely beautiful in that golden lehenga her face glowed to compete with her dress colour. She didn't do much make up but she was indeed beautiful.

Suddenly he felt some thing strangely eventhough she is twin of Sanaa she looks different from her.

Surya's Mind voice:

She is confusing me more with her looks and attitude. Sanaa was insensitive but she is sensitive. Sanaa couldn't handle any pain she was fragile, but Vanaa though she look naive she is very tough inside. None in my family like Sanaa but now to my surprise except Mom everyone accepted her. More than everything her eyes it resembles the one I encountered a year ago.
But how is that possible??? The one I met was Sanaa isn't???

He noticed her hair strands were flying in the air and disturbing her sleep, he went near her and extended his hands to push it behind her ears. Suddenly he had an impulse to hug and kiss her, he bend down towards her. But he was stopped by his conscience and shocked at his inner thoughts, he felt shameful.

Oh god!! How can I think like that?? She is not my love... I don't love her. But why?? I never felt such impulse with Sanaa, Why???

To be continued....


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Meenakshi Jothi

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