A Friend

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Vanaa's POV

I asked him " why did you throw me on bed carelessly??".

He sneered and shouted " Am I your lover to carry you in my arms and give you a home tour, how comfortably you were lying on my arms and enjoying the view of my room" he said sarcastically.

I was burning in anger, I wanted to shout back at him but I was helpless, I need to tolerate his wrath for my family's well-being, so I remained quiet.

He continued to shout " Look you are my helplessness right now, so I'm bearing you don't ever try to take advantage of this. Infront of the world we will act as husband and wife, but inside this room nothing between us except hatred. You and your family cheated me, so I can't forgive you all so easily. Better you stay on your limits until you be here" he said coldly and walked out of the room.

I felt a pricking pain in my heart so whatever he did outside just now was a show off. He tried to make others believe that we are normal couples. I was ashamed to believe his act, I felt a tight slap on my face. How foolish I was?? I started to dream about my future with him.

Yes he was right am a daydreamer. I assumed everything to my favours. I should rather control my mind. This is not my home, I'm going to stay here only for few weeks or maybe few months.

Why it had happened with me?? When I was not at fault??
I wept without noice buried my face on my kneels, slowly I slept on the floor out of tiredness.

Later I felt like someone patted on my cheeks and were trying to wake up me, slowly I opened my eyes and was surprised to see a young girl near to me. I was about to ask her,

who was she??

But before that she spoke softly,
"Anni(Sister in law) it's already half past nine, I know you must be damn tired do please eat this food" she bought Idly(rice cake) and coconut chutney for me, my eyes widened in surprise.

What is someone from this house care for me?? I couldn't believe it. I didn't touch the food still I was at doubt. I looked at her suspiciously.

She gently touched my hands and pressed it softly and said, " don't worry I didn't add anything wrong in this, you can trust me" she smiled.

She continued to say, "I'm Aathira, Surya is my brother, I know you are not at fault neither your family. Everything was done by that devil...  but you became the victim.Trust me things will get to change soon. Please eat this food now, it's getting cold".

I was touched by her soft behaviour she looked genuinely good girl with pure heart. I started to feel bad for the suspecting her intentions. She gave me the plate and signed me to eat. 

I felt bad for suspecting and hurting her. I took the plate and started to eat slowly. She sat infront of me with a warm smile, she didn't speak anything until I complete my food.

Once I finished eating she told me,
" Anni whatever happen you don't loose your hope and patience we are with you stay strong. I'm sure anna(brother) will accept you soon. Actually he is very good and love us all,but he is short tempered". I just gave her a fainted smile.

"What are you doing here??",a hoarse voice came from her behind. It was him standing at the doorstep with  eyes.

"Anna, I came here to give dinner for Anni" said Aathira.

"Why are you doing this for her?? Can't she come down and have her dinner?? Did anyone stop her from going down??" asked Surya throwing an angry gaze at me.

"No Anna, she is new to our house, she didn't come down for dinner and none called her to have food, she might be also embarrassed to ask us. So I'm just helping her with my wish" said Aathira politely.

I didn't speak anything and was just glaring brother and sister's conversation. I felt pain in my heart about missing Gautham Anna.

"Ok fine she had her dinner right. It's  getting late better you goto your room and sleep now" said Surya firmly.

With a low sigh " Ok Anna bye good night, Anni tomorrow morning I will see you good night" said Aathira with a smile in her lips. I smiled slightly and said good night.

She left the room, I looked at myself and felt too much of sweat. So I decided to take bath before goto bed. Immediately  I got up and tried to open my luggage to get my night wear.

" Are you a queen of this villa??" asked Surya fiercely. I was blank at his question and nodded my head as "No".

"Then why can't you go down to have your food?? Do you want someone to bring food for you at your doorstep. Remember one thing she is my one and only sister not your damn  servant. And you?? You are just my so called wife, impostor wife" his fist tightened.

I was terrified with his act and flinched subconsciously. But still I lost my patience thinking about all is previous behaviour and rude words. Now I want to give back him in every possible way.

I said calmly "I didn't ask for food, eventhough I'm hungry if I get to die in starving, I will not ask for food to anyone. It was your sister who came on her own. You should be happy atleast your sister have basic humanity in your house to feed a stranger". I said mocking and left to washroom to fresh up without waiting for his reply, but I noticed his cold gaze and body stiffened. I felt content after I made him dumb for a very first time. I determined in my mind to stay strong, If I remain quite he will pass tantrums often, neither my family or I was at fault. Soon I will make him realise his mistake and I will find out where that back stabber Sanaa ran away.

To be continued....


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Meenakshi Jothi

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