Sanaa Was Caught

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Deepak felt pain under his knees it was bleeding profusely, he held his knees and  tried to look at his back to know what happened to him. He was shocked looking at the man in the room.

Shiva muttered looking at the entrance,
" Surya...". He was surprised and happy to see his cousin.

Surya was standing like a fierce lion infront of Deepak, his eyes were burning like a fire ball. He accompanied with the police, Deepak was agitated to know he was shot by the police, suddenly Surya punched on Deepak's face, he fell down rolling in pain.

Other goons of Deepak started to attack Surya, immediately he started to hit them all. Soon after all the police arrived there to rescue the victims and arrest the culprits. Surya checked Shiva once and ensured he was fine.

Next his vision fell on Pradeep, who was tied and tortured like a half dead soul. Surya felt pity for him, he and Shiva helped him to get out from that place.

Deepak and his goons were taken in police custody, Pradeep was taken to hospital for treatment. Police ensured Surya, to get all the evidences from Deepak against Sanaa, to make the case stronger. Surya sent Shiva along with Pradeep to keep an eye on him and then left to his home.


It was early morning around 4'o clock, Vanaa took her luggages and decided to leave the home with a heavy heart. She thought to move before others wake up, orelse it would be difficult for her she felt. Before leaving the house she went to Surya's room once, she felt nostalgic there.

Mercilessly all her good memories with Surya ran in her mind. Her eyes sheds tears uncontrollably. She kept a gift on Surya's bed, which was she planned to give him after their romantic night but,  unfortunately she never gets a chance for that. She wrote some few words on the gift wrapper and placed it on his bed.

Next she went to Aathira's room, she saw her sleeping on her bed peacefully. Vanaa's lips curved seeing her. Always Vanaa like her very much because, she was the one who supports from the very beginning. Vanaa placed her wedding gift on the bed side and left the room hurried.

Nobody was awake at the time when she left the house except Sanaa. She was waiting to confirm whether Vanna sticked to her words or not. She was delighted to see Vanaa leaving with tears.

Before leaving the house Sanaa mocked Vanaa about her failed marriage. She self proclaimed about her love with Surya, which hurts Vanaa the most. But she silently endured all pain and left with tears.

Sanaa jumped in joy, cleverly she went to her room and expressed her happiness there alone. She was certainly careful to not to let others aware about Vanaa's departure.


Surya reached home by early morning, he saw the house elder members were drinking tea. He thought to tell everyone about Sanaa's deeds and soon handle her to police for attempt murder and kidnap case. But he was waiting due Shiva to bring Pradeep along with him.

Silently he went to the dining area and sat down tired. His family asked him about Shiva's whereabouts, for that Surya positively replied he is in on the way. His eyes were searching for Vanaa, who was not in that group. His mother said that she might be tired and sleeping due to the yesterday's party.

During that time Sanaa came out from her room, she saw Surya. Instantly she ran and hug him, he was irked and moved her hands away.

" Surya, where did you go?? I was waiting for you the whole night. You know after last night party my mobile went missing so, I couldn't call you. Don't know who was that thief ??" Asked Sanaa gritting her teeths.

"I went to bring my old friend, he will be coming soon " said Surya indifferently.

" Who is that Surya?? Did I see him??" Asked Sanaa curious.

Surya smirked and said, " Ofcourse you know him very well. You will dance happily after seeing him". Sanaa was confused.

All the family members were also suspicious about Surya's words. They were in a thought who was that??

Breaking all their thoughts a car came to their home, it was Shiva's. He get down from the car and walked towards the house followed by Pradeep. His walk was slow due to his injuries caused by Sanaa and her gang, but he looked fine. Everyone in the family were confused looking at a new man comingto their house suddenly.

Sanaa's face turned pale seeing Pradeep with Shiva. She started to sweat alot seeing him coming.

" Sanaa, do you know him who he was??" Asked Surya looking at her carefully.

Sanaa was flinched when he called her name, she took few minutes to compose herself and acted, " He... He... was the one who tried to kill me before our wedding. He pushed me down from the mountain cliff. Most importantly he is Vanaa's lover" said Sanaa.

" You bitch!! How dare you??" Pradeep yelled and slapped Sanna on her cheeks hard. She fell down on the floor holding her face. Everyone looked stunned, except Shiva and Surya, who knows the truth.

" Did... Did...that girl asked you to kill me again?? Did she asked you to hurt me??" Asked Sanaa angrily.

" You.... What kind of woman you are?? I felt ashamed to fell in love with you. I will kill you today, you don't deserve to live" said Pradeep and choked Sanaa's neck tightly.

Shiva and Surya, who were silent till now immediately acted actively to stop Pradeep from doing a crime. Only after that Sanna felt relieved, but she was scared to death. She coughed continuously of short of breathe. Everyone looked at her disgustingly.

Still she thought Surya would believe her, so she went near him and said,
"Save me Surya, otherwise Vanaa and her lover will kill me"

Surya's angered raised above when she badmouthed about his wife. He was annoyed a lot and gave an another slap to her.
" Not a single word against my wife. Orelse I will cut your tongue. Do you understand??" Asked Surya angrily. This time Sanaa gulped in fear and moved back consciously.

" How dare you accuse her like this?? Don't you any shame?? You disgusting woman, I never raised hand on any woman but you pushed me to do it" said Surya.

Meanwhile Pradeep and Shiva explained everything to the family members in detail. Whole family was stunned at Sanaa's cruel plans and brutal acts.

" Come on....Tell me why did you do this all with my wife ?? What did she do to you?? Why did you pretend like Vanaa and fooled me?? You are full of lies and betrayal. Such a fake and cheap woman, I won't leave you for all your cheats. You will be send to prison for your criminal activities" said Surya louder. Sanaa looked shocked, she knew clearly all her plans were exposed, now there was no way to escape.

That time Aathira came to the living area and worriedly said everyone that Vanaa is not in the home, she is missing.

All members of the family were shocked hearing her words, Surya was stunned knowing the same. Sanaa laughed louder like a psyche, Surya's fist tightened.

He slapped her repeatedly and asked her about Vanaa's whereabouts. Shiva stopped him to save him from doing any crimes. They all got scared about Vanaa's life.

Sanaa continued to laugh like an insane....

To Be Continued...


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Next update will be next week guys , kindly wait for that.

Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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