The End : Vanaa meets Surya

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Vanaa and Shiva drived the car towards the place Vanaa suspected Surya to be. Internally Vanaa prayed to god to find Surya there, she thought it's her last hope, Shiva too did the same.

Vanaa gets restless thinking about Surya, his last wordsds with her pierced her heart, she ends up crying for distrusting and hurting him.

After an hour of travel they reached the place, Vanaa asked Shiva to park his car, and she said they need to walk from here. Shiva followed her orders and did so.

They both walked in the uneven narrow road which was covered with two sides of bushes and shrubs. After twenty minutes of walk both reached that place,  it was an old fort.

Exactly the same old fort where Vanaa and Surya met first time few years ago. Vanaa gets emotional seeing that place and she reminisced her first encounter with him.

Hastily she walked inside the fort and checked everywhere for Surya. Shiva too rushed with her and checked his cousin brother but he was not found. Her heart beat hiked in fear of missing him, she gets emotional breakdown.

" Vanaa, don't loose hope definitely we will find him soon. Please don't cry" Shiva consoled crying Vanaa.

" I can't take it Shiva, I'm dying in guilt. I was the only reason for his disappearance, how many times he came to explain me?? But I was adamant in my blind anger and didn't give him a chance to speak up" cried Vanaa.
Shiva felt pity about her.

" Vanaa, this situation was created by Surya too, you can't blame yourself for everything. Even he hid so many things and tried to handle certain things on his own. This is the result of hiding everything between husband and wife" said Shiva. Still Vanaa cried, he gave her a space to shed her pain.
Slowly her cry turned into sob and she asked Shiva,

" Where will we find him now?? "

Shiva looked worried and said," Don't know"

" I didn't think that he would go to this extent to prove his love. I thought I was cheated by him and gets mad at him, it was all my assumption, I did a blunder. He truly loves me, I was a fool to not to see his love. Where is he now?? Where did he go?? How will I find him now??" cried Vanaa.

Suddenly Vanaa heard a birds chirping from roof of the fort, she ignored it carelessly and gets worried about Surya's whereabouts. All of a sudden she had few glimpse of past, she felt something and ran to that place instantly, Shiva looked confused and followed her.

Vanaa climbed up the tombs like a crazy girl and entered into the top roof of the old building. Her eyes searches for her beloved husband everywhere, suddenly it stops and stares at a corner of the roof.

He was there... It was Surya....
Surya was standing standing near the railing of the roof and looking vaguely at the sky.

She burst into tears and shouted, " Surya", by running in that direction, she looked extremely happy to find him. Surya turned back hearing her voice and looked at her surprised.

Vanaa went near Surya, kneeled infront of him with a tearful face and hugged him tightly. Surya was dumb for few moments, then he gained his senses, he was about to embrace her but he reminisced her rude words. His body stiffened, he detangled from her embrace and moved her back slowly. Vanaa was hurt by his behaviour and expressed it through her eyes.

" Why did you come here??" Asked Surya. Vanaa looked shocked at his question and asked him the same. Meanwhile Shiva too came there and witnessed everything, he gets elated to find Surya and informed their family about this. He moved little far from couples and gave them a space.

" Do you think I'm so heartless to not to find you, when you were missing??" Asked Vanaa hurt.

" You severed all ties with me, you called me a cheater and disgusting man, you never wants to see me. Then why you have to find me??" Asked Surya with a broken voice. Vanna felt ashamed and looked down on guilty.

"I'm surprised that you came to this place to search me, I thought you forgot this place like our love" said Surya pitiful. Vanaa felt pain, she cried and embraced him through her slender arms.

She said " I'm sorry Surya... I did a mistake. I shouldn't have hurt you like that but trust me even I was not happy to do all, I was in more pain than you". Surya didn't say anything, he was silent.

"I was extremely hurt by your proximity with Sanaa, I thought you ditched me so I was hurt and got mad at you. I never thought you faked everything to throw her out of our lives. I understand I was wrong" said Vanaa while sobbing.

" So now you realised everything right, it's good now you have little hope on me and my acts. Thank you go to your home, I want to be here until I get peace. Leave me alone" said Surya firmly. Vanaa looked on with blurred vision.

" I know my mistake was not justified with any explanation, I crossed my line and hurt you very badly.  I humiliated you and asked you for divorce,it was not at all convincable. But I'm sorry please forgive me and come with me, I can't live without you "cried Vanaa hugging Surya tightly.  Surya was still not convinced and looked hurt.

" You proved your love and made me realize my mistake, but I don't know how I should prove my love. Please forgive me Surya.... I can't bear this pain, I can't get separate from you, I need you" Vanaa cried miserably.

Surya gets melted seeing her tears and left his disappointment on her, he hugged her back instantly. They both share an intense emotional moments.

Vanaa started to kiss him profusely, she confessed "I love you Surya..." He looked at her with a happy tears.

" I love you too Vanaa..."  Proposed Surya taking her in his arms happily.



Hey Guys!!!

I would like to thank you one and all for your immense support to my book.

This story I started to write exactly a year back, I can't believe that I wrote this story for a year. And you guys are truly unbelievable to support and appreciate me throughout this whole journey.

Really it means a lot to me guys, sometimes I made you all wait for so long time, I apologize for that. But still you all supported me. I'm really glad about that.
Without your support and appreciation this is not possible. Once again thank you guys, for everything.

Epilogue will be coming soon....

With Love
Meenakshi Jothi

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