Vanaa's Secret Love

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Vanaa's POV

With lots of hopes and dreams I waited for him, I was re-collecting our first encounter. How he held me in his arms? How did our eyes meet first? goosebumps arised I smiled sheepishly all alone. Time passed but there were no signs of his arrival. I felt a twitch in my stomach. I started to roam around the fort profusely, almost the time was half past four.

It was starting to get dark, there was no point in waiting for him , I gave up my faith and returned to my home with a lost feeling. I reached home only to get earful from my mother,I understand her concern about my safety. Usually I reply word for word with her, but today I was in no mood to talk. Silently I heard what all she said, later she noticed my indifferent behaviour and caressed my hair with love and care.

I didn't speak anything, just shed silent tears on her lap, she was panicking to see me broken. I excused her with my hostel departure the same night. She believed me and pampered me with her tender arms. She said don't worry, this is your final semester. I'm not going to send you anywhere after this. I always want to see my angel next to me. That's true I never want to get separated from her. She is my strength and weakness. Later my father dropped me at the bus terminus,with a heavy heart I left for my college hostel to continue my studies.

4 months later....

Tomorrow will be my semester exams, completely ignoring my personal grief. I focused on my studies. I'm sure it is the only thing I can use to forget him, my unknown love. Yes I didn't even know his name, but I fell in love with him at first sight. He is getting on my nerves after that moment. I know it's really ridiculous to find a person without knowing any of his identity, but still my heart is beating for him.

Breaking my thoughts my mobile rang with my favourite ringtone, I checked my mobile screen to see my mom's name on display, I fixed this song one only for my mom, she will call me daily at exactly the same time.

With a pleasant joy I picked her call. 

She exclaimed "Hey Vanaa! How are you???" Her voice shows she was extremely happy. 

I anticipated and asked her ,"So what's special mom? You are so happy. Anything specific happened today?? "

She smiled louder and said," yeah of course I want to tell you that, soon I'm gonna become a mother in law, " she exclaimed in joy. We are all waiting for you, so come home soon after your exams. I'm not going to tell you more, you must come directly and get to know other details", she hung up the call.

I was shocked to hear her last words... What ?? Is she planning to get me married???

After Ten Days....

All my exams were completed. I felt relieved and was equally confused to visit my home only because of wedding riddles. I was not sure about what my mom said so hurriedly I decided to go back to my native. I can't marry anyone except him. I should stop all the wedding arrangements before things become worse.

On the way home I was thinking about my family. We are all living in a village near the hill station. My family was composed of my grandparents, my parents, elder brother , sister in law, their cute five year old little son, and myself.

My father Srinivas Ramanathan, was a big shot in that hill station, naturally he is a farmer's come businessman. He is not so strict but a stubborn man, he can't digest a cheat and is always a straightforward person. Next my brother Gowtham Srinivas, he is an obedient son, lovable husband and so sweet brother especially to me he is like my other father who loves me immensely, he would never deny whatever I ask him. Everyone in my home knew that I was more than a sister to him. He treated me like his daughter, because he was 12 years older than me. Naturally we had such bonding from childhood. After his post graduation,he is now helping my father in his business.

My mother Rekha Srinivas and sister in law Yamuna Gowtham are housewives, my grandmother Parvathi, and grandfather Ramanathan are really such adorable couples who were married for more than 50 years, they both are so lovable to us. So it's completely a lovely family.

Train stopped...

I got down at the railway station and I was waiting for my elder brother to pick me up. It was a small station compared to the one in cities. From here it will take at least two hours to travel to reach my home, slowly I picked my luggage and looked around the station searching for my brother. There were only around twenty people there including vendors. I tried to call him through my mobile by walking over the staircase to go to the exit, but suddenly I was surprised to see someone.... at the parking area.

It was... it was....I shivered and became dumb for a minute.

It was... Him... I had happy tears over my cheeks, like a crazy girl I ran over the stairs to reach him. I was surprised as well as excited to see him once again, because it was my dream of meeting him again for more than a year.

I was about to reach him but he got in his car and moved away in a hurry. Once again I was dumb, I felt lost that I missed him, I tried to call him and chased behind his car. But he went so far from me, I kneeled on that place and shed tears thinking about my unluckiness. How stupid I was. I didn't know his name yet, how will I find him? I missed an opportunity to meet him after one and a half years. I never knew how long I cried, I forgot I was standing in the middle of the road. Suddenly someone patted my shoulders. I was jerked to see that person.

Who was it??

To be continued...


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