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A Spring Season........

As usually the spring flowers started to bloom and spread its fragrance around the place. The untrimmed green field was like a carpet to welcome the spring season and it's guests. Different flowers were spreaded on the field to make it look more beautiful than anyother time.

Either sides of the road were covered with tress and it's branches like an arch, which was built by nature. A mild drizzle and chill weather would bring peace and happiness to anyone.

Breaking the silence of the road a high end car ride on the road. A couples seated inside the car completely forgot to cherish the nature or spring season. They both were drowned in different world, forgetting the outside world. The man drive his car with one hand and held his lady love's hand with another. His woman turned pink in shyness and happiness. She tilted her delicate face and slide on his broad shoulders. He parked the car at a place and started to walk holding her lady love in his arms like a bride. She hid her face on his shoulders.

Ofcourse they are not new to us, yeah they were none other than our Surya and Vanaa.
They both went to the place which is close to their heart forever. It is that old fort, where  their love story started.


"Vanaa, I thought to take you out somewhere far from this place for our first anniversary but you wanted me to bring you here?? I know this place is so special for us, but I didn't expect you to be over attached with this. Truly I'm elated" said Surya happily by holding his beloved wife in his arms.

"Ofcourse Surya, this place will be so special to us forever lifetime. We met here, we reconciled here so, it's obvious to be special" said Vanaa pinching his cheeks.

Surya gently placed Vanaa on her foot and walked inside the fort joining their hands together. They both indulged in a lovely conversation reminiscing their happy moments.

" Ok Vanaa close your eyes now, I will get you something special for our anniversary" said Surya enthusiastic. Vanaa gets surprised, but she followed his words and closed her eyes with a smile on her lips.

He took a diamond necklace and made her wear it woth so much love. He asked her to open her eyes, she opened slowly and gets surprised to see her husband's beautiful gift.

"Wow!! Surya it's so beautiful" exclaimed Vanaa brushing the new necklace.

" Nothing more than you" said Surya and kissed on her forehead. Though she gets blushed still she could feel his husband's unconditional love and gets emotional. They both remained same for sometime in their embraces.

Breaking their hug Surya asked her hurried,
" Now its my turn, where is my gift?? "

Vanaa turned red and asked him to close his eyes also extend his hand, he followed her words and does so. She took a small box and kept it on his hand.

" Open your eyes, happy anniversary dear " said Vanaa by pressing her lips on his cheeks.

He opened his eyes and gets anxious to know what could have his wife bought for him. He hurried to open the gift box, but he was stopped by him all of a sudden. She held his and stopped him from untying the wrapper.

" Hey Vanaa this is unfair. Why did you stop me" Surya showed puppy face and asked her like a kid. She smiled looking at his acts and asked him to answer her questions first.

" What?? Ok ask me soon, I can't wait more" said Surya impatiently.

Vanaa smiled and asked him, " Guess the gift before you open "

Surya went blank and said, " Vanaa you are impossible, how can I guess?? Definitely your gift must be better than mine, I knew that"

" Ofcourse my gift for you will be more precious than anything in this world" said Vanaa, her eyes twinkled in happiness, her face glowed. Surya gets more anxious to know what is inside.

" Vanaa, uou know I don't have patience to play such games. I'm going to open now, please don't stop me " hurriedly he opened the wrapper. Vanaa keenly watched him while doing so.

He unwrapped the cover and saw a small box inside, he opened that too next. It has a kit, Surya's eyes gets wet seeing that kit.

" Vanaa, is it true??" Asked Surya with happy tears holding the pregnancy kit. She nodded her head and hid under his warm arms.

Surya can't express his happiness in words, he silently shed happy tears and kissed his wife with so much warmth.

" Surya we are going to be parents, I'm six weeks pregnant" said Vanaa cupping his face with her soft palms.

He said, " This is the best gift of my life. Love you so much Vanaa". He placed his head on her forehead and silently smiled. Vanaa too gets extremely happy to enter motherhood.

"So from next year onwards, we will attend spring festival with my daughter" said Surya happily.

" What?? Daughter?? How can you say that for sure now?? I want son, and it's final " Vanaa said faking her anger. Surya smiled happily.

Surya pinched her nose and said " I want little Vanaa first, then little Surya next. Please don't say anything". He looked at her with so much love and touched her belly to feel his baby for the first time.

Vanaa blushed immensely, her red face turned more red, she closed her face getting shy. Surya took her in his embrace.

After breaking all the hurdles Surya and Vanaa's new life journey starts with their little one....

Little Surya... Or Little Vanaa...


Hey Guys!!

Here I'm finishing the story with a lovely epilogue. I hope you all will like this, kindly share your comments and votes.

Once again thank you so much for your support and encouragement. Thank you!!


Now this is my next upcoming story, I hope you all will extend your support to this story too.

Thank you guys!!

Thank you guys!!

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