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Author's POV

"Are you serious???, Did they come for Sanaa ??" Asked Surya shockingly.

Vanaa chuckled and laughed sadly,
" Ofcourse I'm telling you seriously, I know you won't believe me. Better find your dear lover as soon as possible only she can give you all the answers. Moreover you will believe only her words", said Vanaa sarcastically  and left the place immediately without waiting for Surya's reply.

Surya was in dead shock he didn't move even a bit he felt his foot were rooted in the ground. He can't believe the fact that someone wants to harm Sanaa. So what happened between them???

Now slowly he started to recollect all activities of Sanaa. Something he felt strange about her especially she was not close with her own kith and kin. He started to get suspicious about her, he determined to find her soon.

He turned towards his side to talk with Vanaa, only then he realised Vanaa left the place long back. He felt bad for hurting her, but he was also confused now about whom to trust, these two sisters were really a  mystery to him. He can't conclude Vanaa was wrong on the same time he don't have evidence to prove Sanaa was wrong. But somewhere his heart started to beat for Vanaa without his knowledge. That was the reason now he determined to find Sanaa, whom he slowly forgot after his marriage with Vanaa. He clearly know only by finding Sanaa can sort out all his problems.

He returned back to hospital lobby to see Vanaa but she was not there. He was panicked and immediately he rushed inside grandpa's room, there Vanaa was sleeping like a small baby on visitors bed. He stood there for a moment, looked at Vanaa's innocent face and returned back to lobby with a satisfied smile in his face.

Without aware about his change of mind , Vanaa was sinking in her own world. After shouting with Surya, she straight away went to grandpa's room and started to cry. She was getting fed up about his continuous suspicions on her. She was hurt when he was not ready to give up Sanaa and not even a mere attempt to believe that she is innocent in all this while scenario.

Vanaa's POV

How can he doubt me??? Before we were strangers but now we were married and living under a same roof for more than a month still he can't trust me even a little.

How dumb I'm to believe him and fall for him again and again?? I thought his opinions about me were slowly changing. It was utter rubbish his opinions and everything between us remains same nothing changed between us. I thought he saved me and treated me well because he started to like me but it was not like that, he was taking my responsibility, only the responsibility that too because I stay here. I'm a fool, waste dumb girl to fall for this arrogant selfish man, I wept closing my mouth.

Yeah I'm dumb only otherwise how would I expect love from this man, who forgot our first meeting, fell in love with my sister and ignored me completely and treating me like a stranger.

Silently I shed tears thinking about my marriage life turned into a worst nightmare. I decided to do one thing most importantly before finding Sanaa and prove my innocence. I determined to take a big step of my life, I felt this time I have to make certain things clear, instead of getting taunts and humiliation everyday. Soon I slept due to the physical and mental pain.

Next day morning I got up early and fortunately grandpa was awake that time. I couldn't express my happiness, with a happy tears I conversed a few words with him and left the room to let him take rest. I informed duty nurse to take care of grandpa and left the ward.

While I walked out I noticed Surya, he was sleeping peacefully on lobby couch. My heart beat started to rise,I know he is my weakness. I didn't want to get hurt again so again so silently I left the hospital and went to home without a word with him.

Once I reached home I shared the good news about grandpa's recovery to all especially to grandma, she was extremely happy.  After a day grandpa returned home and he was in complete bedrest. I tried my best to help grandma in every possible way. Moreover Aathira stayed with them so I didn't get much work.

All these two days I ignored Surya completely whenever it was possible. I never gave a chance to meet him alone. I pretend to sleep before he come, daily I woke up before him , I got ready and escaped from his eyes. The pathetic thing he was he never tried to talk to me or to know about my change of behaviour. It doesn't affect him at all, it hurts me the most.

Following day I waited for him then gave a set of important papers to Surya and asked him to sign it. He was shocked to see the papers and questioned me about that.

"Surya, I have something important to talk" I called him after he returned from his morning jog. He looked at me surprisingly but I didn't see his eyes directly, I looked down carefully to avoid his gaze.

" Surya check this papers thoroughly and then sign" I said looking away hiding my pain.

" What is this??" Asked Surya casually getting the papers from my hands.

"Divorce papers" I said carefully hiding my emotions.

To be continued....

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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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