Surya's Apology

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Vanaa's POV

Next day morning I woke up after my alarm alerted me the time was 6'o clock. Slowly I got up from the bed to see a bright yellow light penetrating through the glass french windows. I felt so relaxed and cozy, I traced my fingers on the bed it was so soft today. How??? then I realised I was lying on the bed, No.. No.. on his bed.
Oh God!! Save me today, I flinched from bed and rolled my eyes throughout the bedroom. He was not found, I thanked god internally.

Slowly yester night events flashed on my mind, I closed my fist in anger.
How dare he can hurt me to win the competition?
He is a man without a mercy finally I concluded him as a cruel monster. Subconsciously my eyes went to the closet and washroom with a panic, to my surprise he was not there too. I felt happy and I guessed he would have gone for jogging.

Lazily I stretched my legs and kneaded my back which was paining due to the yester night dance party. Firmly I decided not to dance with him from now on, it's way better to skip the party to avoid unnecessary pain.

Since he was not there I decided to do yoga, after my marriage I forgot completely to do some physical exercise. I finished my morning routines and changed completely into my sports wear with high ponytail.

I took the place left between cot and couch, I dropped mat and sat on that. I just started with some warm ups then slowly started doing difficult yoga poses.

Now I was doing Dhanurasana, a pose like bow, when I was going to complete my practice. Before I came back to my normal position, suddenly the door opened, and I was shocked to see a pair of rigid legs with half trousers. Mentally I prayed to God that it should not be him.

Gaining my courage I raised up my eyes slowly to look up his stern face. Surprisingly it was not stern he looked at me in a shock. Why would he get shock ?? What is there different with him??

Then I noticed his eyes wandering on my waist, I looked down instantly in embarrassment. Eventhough I was shy, my sixth sense started to work why is he looking at me like this.

Oh!! Shit!!
I was in my sleeveless T-shirt and with knee length jeggings. Almost my waist was visible while I was doing asanas, I'm little bit exposed. I looked at him angrily though he was still in shock.

For god sake!! Still I remain in the same pose dammit , I stretched my body to return to normal pose. I adjusted my dress immediately, by giving him a killer glare. But he just shrugged off and turned away.

"Why are you here without a knock??" I sneered at him with heavy breathe.

"Excuse me, come again" asked Surya with a jerk.

"Why did you enter my room without a kn..??"
....... My God!!

(My MV: Oh!! Poor girl, how dumb are you?? Technically this is his room. Why wouldn't he be here??)

"What ?? Is this your room??" He smirked. I felt awkward and turned red as tomato, I looked down to avoid facing him. I cursed myself for picking a fight with him at early morning. Breaking my thoughts... Something as hot air brushed my forehead.

He snapped his fingers near my ears,
I tilted up my face to look at him. He was standing so close to me, his hot breathe touched my forehead. We were only few inches away there I lost my sense completely, I was mesmerized by his brown eyes and breathing heavy. He looked damn hot with sweat rolling face and messy hair. My heart was beating fast, I myself wondered how is this possible?? after all this mishaps still can he affect me?? Oh God!! So badly his proximacy affected me. My mind warned me to stay away but my heart was longing for him.

Surprisingly he was also not stepping back, but why??? My eyes widened in surprise his eyes were fixed on mine. I was confused at his act since I know he hates me to the core also this marriage.

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