Surya Is Confused

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Author's POV

At the party night....

Surya was in deep thoughts thinking about Vanaa, her activities were not like whatever Sanaa said to him.
Is she pretending??? Or
Did Sanaa lied?


Hey Sanaa you have introduced everyone in your family what about your sister I heard that you are twins. Is it so?? Asked Surya excitedly.

She was blank for a moment and cooked her story with a teary eyes and pretends to be innocent.

"Well Surya please don't talk about her I'm really scared of her" said Sanaa looking away.

"What scared of her?? But why ?? She is your sister right, really I don't understand." Said Surya with a frown.

"You don't know about her Surya, she was always keen to snatch my happiness and made me cry" she pushed her head on Surya's shoulders and acted like she cried in agony. Surya was stunned and caressed her back.

She continued to say looking at his face " Surya will you believe she was the one who planned and sent me away from my parents when I was young. She wants to get everyone's attention and love in my family she felt like I was a threaten to her so she tricked and sent me away with my uncle and aunty. I was longing for my grand parents love all the while but she snatched it, everyone showered love her and ignored me including my elder brother. He was always attentive towards her he will fullfill her wishes and will do whatever she asks blindly. She has the control of my entire family, none Love me I was a failure and helpless infront of her" she sobbed.

Surya was hurt and angry to see her tears, he said firmly " Sanaa don't worry you will get all the love you deserve from me. She can stop your family but who can stop my unconditional love for you. The day I held you in my arms at the old fort I decided that you are my life. I believed in almighty and put my full efforts to find your whereabouts. My love for you is genuine we are meant to be together. I can't let anyone hurt you ofcourse I won't let, I will make that person beg for mercy. I'm with you always true love will win at any cost we will marry soon then I will take care of you don't worry". He hugged her consoled.

Without knowing the real face of Sanaa, Surya was sincerely get committed with her, she smirked at him and eviley smiled.

He rubbed his temple in confusion thinking about Sanaa's words about Vanaa. But he was failed to find the answers and slept, he never knew when did he sleep.

Surya's POV

Next day morning I woke up asusual once my alarm rang, I had a severe neck pain so I rotated my neck to lessen the pain. Eventhough I was damn tired, slept on couch but I felt uncomfortable and didn't get my sleep well, maybe the couch was too short for my height.

I did fresh up and got ready for jogging, when I was about to exit the room. Something pulled inside me to look at her, eventually I turned my head and looked at her, she was sleeping peacefully on the bed. In the early morning sun light she looked ravishing beautiful I can't take my eyes from her. I moved near her to look at her closer, she was cuddled on the bed like a small kid, her hair strands were fell on her face like a waterfall on the mountains. Her brows were like a curved rainbow, her eyelids were closed, it resembles a crescent moon. A warm smile creeped on my lips I tilted my head to see more of her innocence.

Gosh!! She looks damn beautiful. Indeed she is something special how can someone look so beautiful while sleeping. I was completely lost in her innocent beauty even forgot to breathe.

Suddenly the wall clock made a sound it indicates the time was 6'o clock. I gained my sense immediately I shook my head, moved far from her and exit the room for my morning jog.

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