Vanaa was Hurt

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Author's POV

Surya was about to kiss her suddenly,
Vanaa's mobile rang.
Tring... Tring....
She realised the proximacy between them and pushed Surya away gently.

" Excuse me..." Said Vanaa to excuse herself from Surya.

Surya was upset but didn't show it to her. She quickly moved from him and picked her mobile, the call was from her brother Gowtham. She didn't attend the call infront of Surya, but carefully moved from that place went inside the house.

Surya was flabbergasted at her act he was in deep thought. He asked himself that, why is she avoiding him nowadays when he clearly said he didn't want to divorce her. By that time breaking his thoughts Shiv came there by calling Surya's name.

" Surya what are you doing here??? Sudhir just now called me they started", said Shiv.

" Nothing... Nothing... I was just checking something" said Surya hesitatingly.

They both left the place and went inside the house to join others.


"Hello...Anna...Anything important??? Why did you call me now???"
Asked Vanaa secretly to her brother Gowtham.

" Sorry Vanaa... it's important. I want to meet you, I got some information about Sanaa" said Gowtham anxiously.

" Ok Anna... but now I can't come out because today we have Aathira's engagement ceremony. I will meet you tomorrow morning at our usual place" said Vanaa.

"Hmm...ok ma tomorrow we will meet" said Gowtham hiding his pain.

"Anna what happened suddenly?? " Asked Vanaa sensing her brother's secret.

" Nothing Vanaa" said Gowtham.

"Anna maybe I was far from our home and not near you, but I understand even your small emotions. Please tell me what bothers you??" Asked Vanaa.

"Vanaa we are all missing you more, Amma and Appa were always worrying about your life. Especially our grandpa were at guilt. He isolated himself from all, he was punishing himself for the mistake he did with you. He thought that you are unhappy and he pushed you in hell. So can you come here once??" Asked Gowtham.

Vanaa was hurt to hear her brother's confession. She knew her family was missing her but couldn't believe her grandfather was punishing himself. Even she was longing for them almost three months completed she didn't see her family.

" Anna you know my situation, if Surya find it definitely we will be in trouble.So I can't assure you but, I will try to come home" said Vanaa.

" Ok Vanaa, I understand you try your best. Let's see tomorrow be careful, bye take care " said Gowtham.

Vanaa hung up the call and she was in thought to how to get out of the house to meet her family.


All the guests were arrived shortly one after another the entire garden was decorated with colourful lights and flowers, It was well-organized in a grand way.

The bride and groom along with their family arrived, finally the ceremony started Aathira and Sudhir exchanged their own couple rings. Aathira was fully glowed like an angel, she wore yellow lehenga and tied her hair like side fish tail. She looked gorgeous and extremely happy to marry love of her life. Sudhir looked manly and handsome with his white and blue suit. One by one family members and guests arrived at the stage to wish the couples.

Everyone altogether in Surya's family took the family picture but Vanaa tried to skip that moment with some lame excuses thinking about her own family, she was in emotional turmoil. But Surya was fuming, he misunderstood that she was avoiding him deliberately. So he didn't give her a chance to walk away he made her stand next to him and held her waist tightly, which made her speechless.

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