Wild Kiss

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Author's POV

"Divorce" asked Surya shockingly.

Vanaa didn't look at him but just nodded her head as an anticipation.

"So what are you expecting me to do now??? " Asked Surya looking at Vanaa fiercely.

"Sign the papers so that I will file for divorce" said Vanaa looking away without showing her pain.

But on the other side Surya was fuming in anger these recent days he started to have some kind of feelings towards Vanaa genuinely. Even his grandmother and grandfather advised him to start fresh with Vanaa forgetting his past with Sanaa completely.

Surya was in thought about their uncertain marriage relationship. He can't conclude anything between them but definitely he started to think more about Vanaa. Even he was ready to give a chance to their marriage, it was clearly reflected in his actions but unfortunately this time Vanaa spoilt everything.

Surya laughed louder and asked Vanaa, "What made you believe, that I will agree to this??", Vanaa was standing speeches, she was shocked as well as confused.

"Wwwhhh..aaattt???", Asked Vanaa confusedly.

"What made you think that I will accept and sign for this divorce??" Surya repeated.

Vanaa was dumb she didn't know what she should answer she was nervous, trembled in her words and asked him hesitately " But, why can't you sign?? Becau....". Surya interrupted Vanaa in the middle and yelled at her.

"Because I didn't give you the rights to decide, you don't have a choice. I warned you already, your family will be punished if you try to back off from this marriage", said Surya anxiously. Vanaa was in dead shock, even she forgot to breath her legs were shivering.

Surya pulled her arms fiercely, squeezed it and questioned Vanaa,
" How did you get these divorce papers???  Did you go out???"

Vanaa just nodded her head and looked down. His hands were still squeezing Vanaa's arms, it started to cause a pain to her.

But without noticing her pain, he did hurt her , "Who gave you the permission to step out of the house?? " Asked Surya.

Vanaa's eyes were brimmed with tears, she bit her lips to control her emotions. She want to speak but she was in search of words.

"Come on Vanaa answer me, who gave you the permission to step out?? I told you not to go alone anywhere, then why did you go??" Asked Surya impatiently worrying about Vanaa's safety.

Vanaa unnoticed his hidden care for her, she was in confused state of mind as well as frustrated. Suddenly she jerked from his hands and shouted like a mad girl,

"Because I want divorce from you, this marriage is hurting me more. I don't want to be here... especially with you. I can't stay with you, sign the papers and just let me go away." said Vanaa and cried louder.

Surya was hurt to know that she can't stay with him, he thought that she hate him so much, he failed to recognise her love. Moreover he too didn't realise his love for Vanaa still he was confused about his feelings for her. But he was sure that Vanaa was not so bad as Sanaa portrayed, he started to believe she was good. Now he was in deep pain more than getting anger , but his ego didn't let him to show that.

Vanaa didn't stop there unaware about his emotional turmoil she spilt some rude words, " If you are desperate to punish me for marrying you in Sanaa's absence, better kill me. Why should I stay with you and bear a punishment for a sin which I hadn't done??? Sanaa ran away and she was escaped and living happy in this world somewhere but, why the hell I had to tolerate all this torture and to bear your anger, Really I can't tolerate it"said Vanaa with broken heart.

His soft side vanished and he got very angry after hearing her confession, he was driven crazy when she said Sanaa was escaped from him.  He misunderstood that Vanaa was trying to say that living with him was a punishment so that Sanaa ran away and unfortunately she was caught in. It hurts him more than anything and he felt insulted.

Suddenly, he forcefully pulled and pinned her on the wall. His face was burning in red colour due to anger, Vanaa's face was also in red because of her tears. They were standing so close he caged her inbetween his arms, so that their bodies were brushing eachother. Few moments were passed silently without any words or movement from both. Soon after Surya realised their previous conversation and once again raged,

"Look whether you like this marriage or not, it doesn't matter to me. Forever this is your life and I'm your husband , this was your choice now back off from this relationship, keep it in your mind" said Surya fiercely.

Vanaa was in shock, and she got angry on Surya for hurting her emotions. Soon after she tried to pull her hand from his clutches, but he held it strong. The more she tried to remove her hand, the more he held it firmly. She started to fight with him to escape from his clutches, silently he tackled her.

All of a sudden unexpectedly Surya kissed Vanaa on her lips, Vanaa was stunned she didn't expect him to kiss her. She didn't push him back she didn't know how to react, she stood there as a statue, still her hands were in his clutches.

When they both were fighting strangely Surya felt an impulse to kiss her, he was loosing his mind when she was so close to him, so he kissed her without a thought. Though it started fiercely it turned into a passionate one for him.

After few moments she realised what was happening between them and with a full force pushed him away, he too got his senses slowly he stopped kissing and released her.

She was in rage eventhough she love him, married him but can't accept that she was kissed by him without her concern. More than that she failed to stop him when he initiated , so she felt humiliated. Instantly she raised her hand and slapped hard on his cheeks.

"How dare you???" Vanaa shouted at Surya. Surya was ashamed of his act and stood dumb by holding his cheeks.

"Who gave you the permission to kiss me?? Don't you feel ashamed to touch a girl without her concern. You don't have any rights on me, stay away"  said Vanaa fiercely.

Surya atfirst felt guilty for his act, but when she said he don't have any rights on her he became insane. He was in fit of rage he pulled her shoulders and said firmly,

" I have rights, only I have the rights in this world to touch you or kiss you, because you are my wife and I'm your husband. Remember one thing I don't need to ask anyone's permission to touch my wife. But....I agree I should have asked your permission before kissing you, only that was my mistake I apologise for that. You too slapped me and I accepted that as my punishment".

He paused for a moment with a heavy breathe and he watched keenly at Vanaa, she was stunned her heart was beating faster, and he knew it.

He closed and opened his eyes once and said softly, " Sorry Vanaa ", he gently kissed her on her forehead and left the room instantly.

Vanaa was surprised at his sudden act and even forgot to blink. She was completely in shock and couldn't figure out his newly changed act. She touched her lips, she was completely shy thinking about their first kiss, still she felt the warmth of his touch and his fragrance around her.

To be continued....

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Meenakshi Jothi

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