Vanaa was Blamed

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Author's POV

"Vanaa.... Yeah it was Vanaa who tried to stop our marriage and who tried to kill me" said Sanaa on top of her voice.

All were astonished to hear Vanaa's name as a culprit by Sanaa. On the whole conversation the one who dumb was Surya, he was standing beyond the shock.

"What?? What are you saying?? Are you out of your mind?? Why would I do such things to you??" Asked Vanaa shockingly.

"Yeah it was all your plan to vanish me from wedding, so that you can marry Surya in my place. Don't you feel ashame to marry my fiance. What a cheap woman you are?? Disgusting to be your sist..." Sanaa was interrupted by a slap.

"Ahhhh......" Sanaa held her cheeks with a dead shock. She felt the pain of tight slap on her face. She saw Vanaa standing like a fierce lionness infront of her.

All the house members including Surya can't believe what they saw just now. None saw Vanaa in such avatar before, she was always kind and sweet to others. She never raised her voice, never disrespected anyone. But today she slapped her own sister.

" How dare you??" Yelled Vanaa and slapped on her another cheeks again.

" Ahh...." Sanaa fell down with the force Vanaa hit her. She can't believe how her naive and timid sister became an angry bird.

She held her cheeks and pulled her up to stand on her feet. She looked at Vanaa with an utmost anger.

"Say it again... Did I try to kill you??
Did I snatch your love?? " Asked Vanaa with a rage.

Sanaa who was standing opposite to Vanaa was shocked at her outrageous behaviour. She didn't expect her sister to react like this. She tried to remain calm but somewhere she felt panic seeing her sister. Trying to hide her fear she opened her mouth slowly and stammered,

" Yes ... It was you who sent me out that night with a purpose of killing me" again a tight slap on her face. But this time it was not Vanaa, instead it was her brother Gowtham.

" You nasty girl... How low will you fall down?? Do you think we are all fool to believe your drama??" Asked Gowtham by gritting his teeth. Sanaa held her cheeks tightly, she was scared to death by seeing her parents and brother at the door step.

She was confused how did they all came here all of a sudden?? She didn't tell anyone about her return. (She was not aware about the truth that Vanaa texted her brother about Sanaa's return one she received the news from Surya in the car).

" I cant believe you ran away before your marriage with the money and jewellery. How can you ditch us like this?? Did you ever think about our family or our reputation??" Asked her father holding her arms tightly. Her mother shook her shoulders and asked her to answer her father's questions with a tearful eyes. With her parents sudden arrival she was shocked for a while but only for few minutes then she started her cunning play again. She shrugged her hands from her shoulders and shouted,

" What do you want me to say??"
" Will you believe me if I say the truth?"
" Everyone will believe only this traitor, not me" said Sanaa pointing her finger towards Vanaa and started to cry miserably.

"I will believe you" a voice echoed in that room. All turned towards the voice and were extremely shocked. Vanaa became dumb, her head started to spin because it was Surya's voice.

" I will believe you. Tell me what happened" said Surya once again firmly. Sanaa was relishing that moment. She was happy that her plan works, her tears started to work on Surya.

" I'm asking you Sanaa, tell me what happened that night?? Why did you disappeared on our wedding" asked Surya.

Vanaa was still standing as a statue in a dead shock, she can't believe what she heard or what she sees?? She asked herself how her husband will believe someone else other than his own wife??

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