Sanaa's Secret

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Author's POV

Vanna was very happy to see her family, it was the first time she was going to meet them after her marriage. Although she knew Surya will create a scene, just because she left the home against his words, but now she was dare enough to face his rage.

Another side Surya was getting mad about Vanaa's rejections. He went to office but couldn't focus on his work, instead he showed his anger to others.

After an hour of travel Vanaa reached her home, the car stopped at the gate and she got down from that. Immediately she got emotional seeing her home, the sad and happy moments of her life flashed in her mind one after another. She started to walk towards the entrance with a happy face.

"Vanaa...." Said Gowtham happily with a wider smile at the portico.

"Anna...", said Vanaa by hugging Gowtham.

After a while he asked her, " Vanaa you asked me to wait for you at our usual meeting place, I was starting there only. But surprisingly you were here, I'm so happy to see you.
Come... come...
Come...inside our house Vanaa, our whole family will be happy to see you" . They both entered into their house happily.

All were so happy and excited to see Vanaa after a long time. They shared affection and love very emotionally. Vanaa's parents were in tears seeing her after four months, her mother hugged her and cried silently, she consoled her mother. Her beloved grandparents felt elated to see her, her grandpa felt guilty and said sorry to her, but she consoled him.

Vanaa lied about her marriage life to her family to stop them from worrying about her. She said Surya was taking good care of her and they were happy couples. They all believed that Surya and Vanaa were started to live like a normal couples.

After an hour Gowtham excused from others and took vanaa alone with him to Sanaa's room. She understood that he was going to tell her something important.

" Anna... What was that??" asked Vanaa.

" Vanaa... I have to show you something, wait " said Gowtham and picked a small bag from Sanaa's wardrobe and gave it to her.

"Vanaa open and check it. Then you will know what she hid it from all of us" said Gowtham with a fit of rage.

Vanaa opened the bag and checked it has a small ring with an initial of "P" , then some greeting cards with a photo, she was shocked to see that all especially the photo.

"Anna what was this?? From where you got this??'' asked Vanaa shockingly.

" This was her truth Vanaa, she was such a cheater. We can't even think about her lies and cheats, see what she did to our family, she was a curse for us. Everything she hid under her cot, luckily I found it when I checked her room" said Gowtham disgustingly.

" She was in love with someone in abroad and got engaged with him secretly. But here she played a love drama to all of us even with Surya, what a disgusting girl???" Said Gowtham. Vanaa was lost in her thoughts, she can't believe it.

"Really I was confused, if she was in love with someone then why would she played love drama with Surya???"
Did she planned to marry Surya for money??" Asked Gowtham. Vanaa was speechless.

He answered for his own question,
" Maybe that was the reason or else, what would be the reason behind her sudden love with Surya and to marry him in a rush??" Asked Gowtham with a doubt. Vanaa was also confused about Sanaa's act and was thinking something else.

"Vanaa, one more thing do you know?? he was the same person whom she met on her wedding day before she was disappeared??
I checked with a hotel room boy by showing his pic", said Gowtham. Vanaa didn't say anything just nodded her head confusedly.

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