Face Off

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Author's POV

"How dare you accuse me like this??" Asked Surya and squeezed her shoulders in anger. Vanaa flinched in pain, realising her pain through her eyes he left her arms immediately.

He paused for a while and asked her,
" Did I ever misbehave with you??"
" Did I force you??"
"What made you think that I'm a filthy man??"
"Why are you saying this??"
His fist tightened in anger, he closed his eyes and tried to control his temper. Vanaa was silent as well as surprised and keenly observed him.

Surya asked her with a hidden pain,
"Vanaa, I agree only once I kissed you without your permission, but for that honestly I apologized to you and you too slapped me, it was over after that. Listen, Vanaa maybe I'm not so good man, but I'm not a womanizer, I never crossed my limits with any girl, even with Sanaa..."

"Stop it ... Stop it...." Vanaa shouted and stopped him inbetween and bursted in anger.

" For godsake stop it right away" said Vanaa with a heavy breathe. Surya was astonished to see her act.

"Sanaa... Sanaa... Sanaa... everytime Sanaa... everywhere Sanaa... But keep it in your mind I'm not Sanaa, I'm Vanaa only Vanaa. " said Vanaa yelling at top of her voice.

" Yeah I know you are Vanaa, when did I say you are Sanaa??" Asked Surya confusedly.

"Ofcourse you said, you might have forgot with your poor memory power but, I can't forget anything " said Vanaa tearfully. Surya was more confused about what she meant.

" Explain" asked Surya impatiently.

" I don't oblige to explain you any explanation, just leave me alone" said Vanaa by turning her face away.

He pulled her arms and turned her to look into his face and asked her,
" We are married, I'm your husband don't forget that Vanaa " said Surya with a angry gaze. His words touched her nerve to aggregate her anger.

"Exactly you are my husband but, I'm not your wife" said Vanaa by pushing his arms away.

Surya was shocked and confused, he asked her "What are you blabbing ??"

"Mr. Surya Pratap, I'm not blabbing and I'm not a fool to blab. On Aathira's engagement party , you said your wife name was Sanaa to someone. Then how come I can be your wife?? " Asked Vanaa, Surya was stunned.

"Not only at that party everywhere whenever you get a chance, you said your wife name was Sanaa. How the hell I can be your wife??" Asked Vanna aggressively.

"I'm not your wife, just an imposter wife in the place of your disappeared lover Sanaa, to just to save our families respect" said Vanaa completely broken in tears.

Surya was at guilt as well as hurt to see her pathetic condition, he tried to talk and console her. So he extended his hands to touch her head and caress it.

"Don't ever touch me" said Vanaa strictly.

"Vanaa..." Surya whispered in shock. She cried miserably.

" Vanaa... I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't take advantage of you..." said Surya.

"Isn't Mr. Surya ?? "
"Didn't you forcibly bring me here??"
"Didn't you blackmail to trouble my family??" Asked Vanaa.

Surya looked down unable to face her. She cleaned her tears with her palms, stood up straight and said firmly,
"Our marriage was a mistake for you. I agree with you, because you were cheated with the bride swap. You lost your love and got married with me instead, so you felt dejected and was extremely angry. Anyone would react in a same way as you"

"Atleast you knew you were going to get married on that day"
"But what about me?? I never knew, it was my wedding"
"I never knew, I was a bride till my family made me a bride without my wish"
"They folded their hands and begged infront of me, so I was helpless to neglect their words" Vanaa cried, with a pause she continued.

" If you really want to vent out your anger, you must have find and shown it to Sanaa. She was the prime reason for all the problems"
"But what you did?? "
"You hated my family, and me. You humiliated us and abused us verbally. You disowned me and left me after our marriage, you were not ready to accept our side reasons"
" Not only you, even we were also cheated by Sanaa. You know how much pain we endured??" Asked Vanaa and sobbed in the middle.

"Then later, only for your family sake you brought me here forcibly and threatened me to do as you wish. Am I doll or what?? Don't I have any emotions??".

" You know in this whole thing who was a victim??"
" It was I"
"Only I... I was damaged beyond the repair and I lost many things more than anyone including you". Surya was not out of shock.

"I was married with you against my wish. You separated me from my family. You were not ready to acknowledge me as your wife. You never respected my emotions and treated me as your wife. I realised very well that this marriage was not going to work between us. So I tried to leave you, but to punish me more, you were not ready to give me a divorce. I'm living my life without any identify. I feel like I was lost. You will never understand what I had lost?? And what I endured??" Said Vanaa and cried miserably.

Surya was speechless and stood dumb all the time. He was at guilt for crushed her life and happiness, eventhough she was not at fault.

"I can accept all this as my fate. I'm getting used with this loveless marriage life. But I can't resist when you touch me thinking me as my sister. Any women can't tolerate it, don't do this with me. It's killing me by piercing my soul "  said Vanaa and cried on her knees.   

Surya who was standing like a statue all the time suddenly awakened with her words. Honestly he never seen her as Sanaa because, he noticed so many differences between their characteristics.

" No... No... No Vanaa, you were mistaken I didn't think about her. Please Vanaa...
I swear believe me, I accept all your other accusations about me, but not the last one. How can I think Sanaa and come closer to you?? It was so disgusting, and I knew it. Even in my worst drems I can't do it. Trust me Vanaa, please I'm not such a filthy man" said Surya with a tearfull eyes. His voice shows some deep pain and truth, Vanaa looks on.

To be continued....

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Meenakshi Jothi

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