Vanaa's Fear

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Author's POV

It was a winter season, the forest was covered with snow and moisture. Here and there birds were flying out of their nest. Trees and leaves were crowned with water droplets. Early morning sunlight slowly penetrate through the glass windows and fell on her face, gradually Vanaa woke up from her pleasant sleep and rubbed her eyes. Her eyesight fell on the strong arms encircled her tender waist. Last night events one after another flashed in her mind, finally she remembered how they both proposed eachother and they consummated their marriage. Instantly she blushed and her pale face turned into pink. She turned her head and looked at Surya, who was sleeping peacefully on her side. Though he was sleeping his face looks so calm and happy, his lips were raised up slightly as he was dreaming about a pleasant thing. By seeing his smile she too smiled silently, without disturbing his sleep she got up and went inside the washroom to complete her morning routines.

After bathe she tried to wrap herself in a bathrobe, but surprisingly she saw a bag with saree and other garments. She thought Surya would have arranged it for her, she smiled inwardly thinking about his care for her. Happily she wore that dress, went to balcony to dry her wet hair. She started to enjoy the beauty of that place. Night she could not see clearly so now she took her time to enjoy the view from the tree house.

The cool breeze brushed her face chilliness spreaded over her body she shivered a little but enjoyed it. Eventhough her heart was enjoying that place and it's cool ambiance still her mind was asking her to tell everything to Surya about Sanaa. Somewhere she felt it would be not good in their budding relationship to hide such a things from him. He have the rights to know everything about her, definitely now he will believe her words so she determined to let him know today itself.

Breaking her thoughts Surya hugged her from her behind. He to thrusted his face on her shoulders and said " Good morning wifey". Vanaa blushed and anticipated his morning greetings.

"Surya this place looks very beautiful,it was like a visual treat really I'm enjoying" said Vanaa.

" Yeah it's a perfect visual treat, really I'm enjoying this moment. So fresh and beautiful in this saree, actually blue suit you well" said Surya and looked at her with love.

Only by then Vanaa understood Surya was praising her beauty instead of this place. She got shy looked down and started to blush in his arms. Unknowingly out of nervousness her fingers played with his hair strands on his arms. Surya laughed louder seeing her childish act, he twisted her and turned around her to his side. His hands were playing on her waist, he pulled her more closer as possible. Her heart beat was high, still she was looking down. She was too shy to see his eyes after what happened between them last night. He pinched her chin raised her face up and asked her to open her eyes to look at him. She tried to oblige his words by looking at his face. Immediately a hotness spreaded over her cheeks in that chill weather, her pink cheeks turned more pink, her nose tip also turned into red, her glossy lips trembled due to his effects on her.

" Absolutely beautiful " said Surya. He was looking like he was in some dream world.

After saying that he bend down from his height and kissed Vanaa on her cherry lips. She took a moment to understand what was happening, but after realising she tip toed her foot and gradually pulled his shirt. The kiss was prolonged for a long moment until they both were short of breathe. He released her slowly but still kept her in his captive.

" Vanaa your innocent beauty killing me..." Said Surya by putting his head on her head. She smiled whole heartedly and hugged him. They started there day with some cute romantic moment following that they were intimate.

Once again Vanaa took bath and got ready to leave the tree house. She was packing there stuff, meanwhile Surya took bath and he was ready too. They both joined there hands together and walked out of the place to start a new beginning. She was flying with her newly founded wings as a lovely wife with her beloved husband.

They had cute romantic chats while travelling, Surya was extremely happy in good mood. Soon they will reach their home, so Vanaa thought this would be right time to open up about Sanaa, she gathered all her courage to talk about Sanaa.

" Surya I want to tell you something " said Vanaa.

"I know what was it ?? It might be about our honeymoon. Am I right?? I'm ready to go anywhere with you" said Surya winked his eyes. Vanaa felt helpless but she didn't give up.

" Surya let's goto honeymoon even I wish to go anywhere with you. But now I want to tell you something else" said Vanaa and licked her lips nervously.

Surya noticed her act and asked her
"Is there anything serious to worry much??"
" Why do you look so nervous??"

" Yeah of course. It is serious matter. I want to tell you something important that you should know" said Vanaa.

"Speak up" said Surya watching the road carefully. Vanaa paused for a moment before she start to speak. She said

"Surya.... It's about Sana..." . Their conversation was interrupted by a phone call.

" Ring... Ring..." Surya's mobile rang. He connected his mobile with bluetooth earphone.

"Yeah shiva tell me.what's up ??" Asked Surya.


Surya suddenly stopped the car with a rush. Thankfully they both weared a seat belt. Vanaa was confused at his sudden weird behaviour.

"When did it happen??" Asked Surya tensed.


" Ok... I'm coming there. I will be there in ten minutes" said Surya and disconnected the call. His face turned red in anger, his eyes were looking like a burning fireballs. Vanaa was terrified to approach him.

"Surya... What happened??why you look so angry??" Asked Vanaa.

He didn't answer her questions instead he drove faster. Vanaa was panicked at his anger. She had already faced his wrath but this was worsen than that.

She held his arms firmly and asked him,
" Surya... I'm very scared. Please tell me what happened?? Why are you so angry??"

He paused for a moment and replied in a hoarse voice,

" She came back.... "

To be continued...


Hey Guys!!!

I'm very sorry for the delayed update. Nowadays I'm trying hard to update but still I'm lacking. Kindly excuse me for that.

I hope you all like this chapter if you are impressed with my work please never mind to post your comments and share your votes.

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Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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