Surya's Final Attempt

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Surya laid on his grandmother's lap and silently shed his tears reminiscing Vanaa's rude words. Before he spoke with Vanaa he believed that she will forgive him somehow. But now he looks shattered to know she hate him to the core and accused his love as fake and denied to believe him.

" Surya, how long will you cry like this??" Asked grandma caressing his head.

" I don't know grandma, but I feel like crying. I'm helpess to stop my tears" said Surya.

" Even Vanaa was helpless to push you away from her life" said Grandma. Surya sit straight and looked on.

" True Surya, however you are hurt, she will be also equally hurt. It will be not an easy decision for her to leave you. It was you who pushed her to this. Getting someone's trust is not an easy thing, she believed you completely but you broke her trust" said Grandma accusingly.

" I agree grandma, I did a mistake but my intention was not to hurt her I thought to catch Sanaa so I pretended. Why don't she listen to me once??" Asked Surya bitter.

" Don't loose hope, try again to talk with her. Maybe after few days her anger would have reduced and she would listen to you. So keep on try" advised grandma. Surya nodded his head and said,

" Eventhough she hate me, I will not let her go away from me. I will try my best to win her trust back. I can't live without her"

Surya tried to call Vanaa's mobile several times, but she didn pick up the call finally she blocked his number, he felt bad. His family members too tried their best to make the couples together, but Vanaa was firm in decision and refused their words.

Surya, didn't give up again and again he went to her home tried to talk with her but she said that she didn't wish to see him and asked him to leave the place sternly.

Vanaa ran into her bedroom closed the room door and cried sitting alone in Surya's memories, she knew her heart still love him and always Love him but she can't trust him once again. She didn't wish to get another heart break.

She don't want to see him after all happened, she determined to finish their relationship once and all. She called someone and enquired few details. Later she get ready and went out with her brother Gowtham. He looked sceptical about where planned to take him out.


After few days Surya received an envelope he opened it and shocked to read that Vanaa sent him a divorce notice.Whole family saw that notice and get worried. He crushed the paper in anger and throw it away.

Immediately he drove his car to Vanna's house and confront her about this, Shiva followed him worried. He was fuming inside seeing the divorce papers and was not ready to give divorce to Vanaa.

He stormed into her house ignoring others, he rushed towards her room and locked himself inside her room. She came inside from the balcony and gets shocked. He saw her there and moved towards her, slowly he locked her between his arms, her eyes raised up in surprise, she didn't intend to hide it too.They both looked at eachother silently for a moment.

Her family gets worried about her and bang the door fiercely.

"Vanaa.... Vanaa ... are you ok??"
" Surya open the door.... "
Her family members shouted.

Listening to their voices and realising the heat of moment Vanaa gained her sense and
jerked from his arms. Surya was not surprised at her act, he looked casual.

" Give us sometime alone, I want to talk with my wife. I won't eat her please leave the place" said Surya louder. Hearing his voice family members remained silent. Vanaa gets irked with Surya's behaviour.

" Why are you here?? I said I don't want to see your face. Don't you understand that??" Asked Vanaa turning her face away.

Surya chuckled and said " So you want divorce?? You don't want to see my face, That's why you were seeing our wedding pictures, isn't??" Asked Surya by pointing towards the wedding album spreaded on her bed. Vanaa was stunned, she looked at the album and felt embarrassed.

Surya held her arms and asked, " What is there to get ashamed Vanna?? Why are you turning pale?? We love eachother " said Surya.

" Ofcourse I felt ashamed of being your wife and in love with you, I hate myself for that. Because you are....You are a disgusting man"  Vanaa accused Surya. He looked hurt to see her hate, a tinge of pain flashed in his eyes.

" So you want divorce from this disgusting man, isn't??" Asked Surya with a broken voice and blurred vision of tears. Vanaa felt a pricking pain inside her listening to his
voice and seeing his tears.

" Well you are not ready to listen to my side. I won't force you to do but don't forget one-thing I never tried to cheat you I swear" said Surya firmly.

"You said I didn't identify you with your twin sister, so my love was fake, isn't?? Even you and your family failed to identify your sister's true colour, so can I say your full family is with fake love??" stormed Surya.
Vanaa stood dumbstruck.

" Tell me Vanaa, shall I say that?? "Asked Surya angrily. Vanaa became speechless.

" You are not even giving me a chance to speak vanaa. I'm sure you will regret this" said Surya. Vanaa looked on.

" Vanaa, whether you believe me or not the truth is I love you immensely. Before our wedding I didn't know it was you and by mistake I planned to marry Sanaa but after marriage I genuinely fell in love with you even before aware about the truth. When I know the truth I was very happy Vanaa that I married you. But I was fool to hide the truth from you, I thought to send that Sanaa to jail for all our pains. But you said I'm like her, you said I'm disgusting... " said Surya teary eyed. Vanaa felt hurt.

" You said I look disgusting right, don't worry I wont show my face to you from now on. Everything will end where it was started....But you will realise my love and regret soon Vanaa " said Surya painful.  Vanaa's eyes filled with tears and felt something twitched in her stomach.

Surya walked near the room door turned the knob and about to open the door. He stopped for a moment, turned back and looked at her deeply.

He said  "I love you Vanaa"and left the room ignoring others talks. Vanaa sit down on the same place and cried vigorously.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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