Second Attempt

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Vanaa's POV

I was shocked to know that they were talking about me.... about that mall incident. I listened to them keenly , I came to knew one among them were that kidnapper, who tried to molest me.

"Again I missed a good chance, I want to teach that Sanaa a lesson. But she is keep on escaping from my traps"said that kidnapper annoyingly.

" Pradeep you should have first brought her in our captivity then we would have teach her a lesson. But you had spoilt everything in your blind anger" , said another man angrily.

"Hmmm.... I agree it was my mistake, next time I won't repeat this. I will not loose my sense, definitely I will kidnap her soon and punish her" said pradeep gritting his teeth.

" That's good my friend, she is very dangerous girl so, be careful with her. Better you keep your eyes on her and you be safe around her. Don't forget that she tricked and tried to kill you once" said that another man.

"How will I forget that???? Still Im burning inside. I will not leave that cheater", said Pradeep breaking the flower vase in fit of rage.

Suddenly I was terrified seeing him like a wounded lion, his eyes were burning for vengeance. I know he meant about me but assuming me as Sanaa. I can't believe that Sanaa tried to kill him, sweat rolled on my forehead. I took a photo of them in my mobile and instantly I moved back slowly without their knowledge.

By that time, something fell on my shoulders immediately I shouted by mistake then closed my mouth with my palms. But those two found out someone was watching them, one of them saw me through window. He alerted another one too, they both saw my face and immediately rushed out of the room to catch me.

I started to run holding my breathe, my leg was not still cooperating with me. It was terrific to run with an injured leg, so I stopped somewhere at garden and hid. I watched them from far, they were searching me like a mad people. I prayed to God to save me from their wrath, it was late midnight so there was no sign of people. Unfortunately they saw my hidden place and started to chase me again, I tried to call Surya through my mobile before they catch me. I know they both were insane definitely they won't believe me if I say that I'm Vanaa not Sanaa.

But while running by mistake, I fell down and missed my mobile in that dark night. Once again I was hurt carefully I got up and moved away from there without making further noise.

Then I was rushing into a hospital backyard all of a sudden, I was blocked by something hard and I bounced back few steps. But a hand caught me firmly. I was terrified, closed my eyes, jerked away assuming him as one of the kidnapper and started to shout.

" Leave me... Leave me..." I panicked and shouted.

"Sshhh.... Vanaa... It's me...Vanaa listen to me... It's me Surya" said Surya.

Only then I regained my sense and realised what was happening there.
Without a second I hugged him tightly and cried like a little kid.

"Surya... Surya...Don't leave me alone. I'm scared please be with me" I cried uncontrollably on his shoulders.
He said " Ok...Ok... relax, I'm not leaving you alone" .

He too hugged me and caressed my back. After that he didn't speak a word instead he tried to pacify me, I was more comfortable in his arms and rubbed my face on his shoulders.

Soon my cry became sob, slowly I pulled myself from his embrace and with a discomfort I looked at his shirt which has my tear marks.I murmured "Sorry" to Surya.

He understood my point following my eyes, and said " It's nothing why are you saying sorry for this small thing".

He asked me worriedly, "Why were you scared?? Did anything happen??".

I was blank for a moment I was confused whether I should tell him the truth or not. Finally I decided to tell him only the half truth.

I said," Yeah just now I saw that kidnapper again. He was trying to catch me".

"What?? Are you sure?? " Asked Surya with a shock.

"Yeah he was there at store room, I saw him with another man. They found me when I was watching their conversation " I said.

Immediately Surya rushed to the store room holding my hand. But as I expected those kidnappers where escaped nowhere to be found. There was no evidence of someone was there before. I guessed they must have seen us when I was coming with Surya.

"Did you see really see him?? Or was it your illusion?? "asked Surya.

"No...No... I'm not dreaming anything. Really I saw him with another man. Even I saw his face clearly this time" I said louder.

"Ok fine relax. Hmmm... Vanna tell me honestly did you know him?? Have you seen him before??" Asked Surya seriously.

I was perplexed at his questions, how will I explain him that kidnapper was following me assuming me as Sanaa.

"Because atfirst I thought that mall incident was an accident but now it seems to be not like that. I think he have some grudge on you. So Vanaa... just tell me the truth do you know him?? You guys had any problems before??" Asked Surya with a doubt.
I was angry to see his doubts on me.

I asked, "So are you doubting me ???". I had tears in my eyes, it hurts me that he didn't trust me still.

" Not like that.... But why would he come for you again and again. Definitely there must me some reasons, I want to know that.." said Surya.

I lost my temper, jerked my hands from his hand and shouted,
"Why would I lie to you. I'm always honest, I don't need to prove it to you. Listen carefully he was not behind me, he was behind me thinking me as my twin Sanaa. If you want to know the truth find and ask your lover Sanaa" I bursted out the truth with a heavy breathe.

He was standing infront of me hell shocked with a widened eyes.

To be continued....

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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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